Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tuesday at the races

Not feeling great, but tomorrow all this will be behind me. I have to be at the hospital at 10:30 AM, my neighbor is taking me. I'll tell you one thing- I'm glad this thing is only done every few years. lol My doctors office made the arrangements for it, and I cannot wait to meet this doctor who put THIS routine together. He and I are going to have a chat...

It's hard being on a clear liquid diet. Especially when I have a delightful chicken salad in the fridge calling my name. And leftover apricot glazed ham. Arrggghhh...why do I torture myself like this???? lol

I am a little weak, and have been in bed (or the bathroom) since before noon. The protocol that this guy uses is a killer... My poor doggies are worried about me as they hear me moaning and crying from time to time. And they are not used to me being holed up behind the closed bedroom door in the middle of their day.

I am feeling a little beat up, but wanted to stop in since I didn't make it yesterday. I was exhausted after being at the laundromat until 10 PM. I didn't feel good already and it was so hot and humid in there... I was hoping to be able to do laundry at home, but it's been raining for 3 days, and the well has flooded again. so....

I have to remember that it's important to follow directions. Both from the doctor and from my AA friends who remind me Easy Does It, and first things first. And most especially, that I can do anything for 24 hours, and get through this.

I need to go lie down again....later, Taters....



  1. "Bring on the anesthesia"...or "Hit me again, doc"!

    Seriously, ya know what I think? (Do ya CARE what I think?!!!). I think--too much. No. I think about good times, happy events, recent blessings. In some way that keeps me thinking less about the discomforts of the particular procedure in which you were involved.

    But, we each have our own sh* Ooops
    stuff to deal with. And I know you did it well, hope everything is OK in that area.

  2. awww, I hope you're feeling better soon.

  3. Take care sweetheart -- email on its way

    xxMary LA

  4. All the best to you Dear One.


  5. I so feel for you. But I think you're a strong person and by now are probably fine.
