Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

This is an old picture of Miss Sophie, our beloved Cocker Spaniel. I just thought the blanket looked all Easter-y and this was taken around this time of year at the marina at Pere Marquette State Park. She left this world after a courageous battl;e with liver cancer, and she will always live in my heart.

It was a good day here ...grandson was back around 2 PM and his darling mother thought it would be great if he brought eggs and dye so he could color eggs HERE. We did the deal after an early dinner of ham and sweet potatoes and green beans. It was an ordeal and a mess ensued, but nothing we can't handle. Later tonight when I was packing hubby's lunch, the young prince came in and said, Can we hide an Easter egg in his lunch? So, we did...picked out the prettiest blue one and put an Easter sticker on it and put it in a bag that he wrote Happy Easter from Tristan! across the front.

Earlier we watched Finding Nemo, and then a movie called Fly Away Home. If you have never seen Fly Away Home--GET IT NOW!!!!! It is a heartwarming story about a young girl whose divorced mother is killed in a car wreck in New Zealand (Where they live) and her father comes down to get her and take her back to Canada. It's based on a true story about migrating birds, so get it! lol

I talked to a friend tonight who is celebrating a birthday in sobriety. I talked to 2 sponslings, one of whom is coming for lunch tomorrow. I felt very connected to the program today, even though I opted out of going to a meeting.

My life is full and sort of simply complicated these days. The 12 steps have given me the tools I need to get through tough situations and hard times. Getting sober has given me the compassion and tolerance and patience to live a better life. Staying sober, no matter what, has given me a new lease on life. ..."Those feelings of uselessness and pity have disappeared..." How great is that?

I made a chicken salad tonight with pecans and grapes and celery and onion and mayo and sour cream with just a whiff of lemon curry in it. I'm taking hubby to work so that I can stop and get some croissants for sandwiches and pick up a few other things. I have a taste for some sparkling water.... that will be our lunch. The ham turned out really well....the glaze of apricot jam, brown sugar and dry mustard was a hit (and very simple).

There's a light rain falling and it makes me want to sleep. Since I have to get up at 5, it's not a bad thing. So...I shall bid thee adieu, and send wishes for a bright tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. Annie, I was just thinking about you in a blog I just'll see!

    I like reading you. Nice down-to-earth story, a log of your activities, thoughts. The food part reads sort of like Louisey. And I can think of no one better to emulate.

    Enjoy a fun spring time.
