Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Totally Tuesday

I am connected, baby..... LOL A very nice young man named Eli appeared at my door just when he said he would. The install that was supposed to take about two and a half hours wound up taking almost 6. He worked through a bad storm and winds and did everything...

When he first got here, he was looking around trying to figure out how to do this thing because, once again, so many trees... He said something, and I thought he wasn't going to be able to do it. So I said, well...who do I send this equipment back to? And he put his hands up and said .."Whoa, Mama Bear...Hold Up ! I just have to think about this a little more. We ARE hooking you up!"

And he did. And I am back online and so far tonight I have not had a bit of trouble on the internet. WooHoo!!!!!!!

In the Voluntary Simplicity class last night, one of the essays we read was about internet and tv usage and how it steals so much of your time. And everyone was nodding and agreeing that they spent way too much time online. I just sat there, grinning like an idiot. And I said, not me....I don't feel that way at all. And my darling husband piped up and said that he didn't spend much time online, but that I did. That just this morning I was "chatting " with a woman who lived in Australia and was going through some scarey medical stuff, and we talked away like we'd been best friends since childhood. And he talked about the friendships I have made with people all over the world, and how it has really expanded and enriched my life, and that he has benefitted from it as well. He talked about the gathering of people we host at our place in summer and how it really is a pretty cool thing for some people, but he doesn't have the patience to learn it.

I am especially blessed to have a life that is full. A far cry from that existence of isolation and despair that claimed me. To be sober today and happy. And loved. To have my furry babies who make me laugh and cry and be responsible ...and who teach me every single day about unconditional love.

I am grateful to be back online and to be able to get back into my routines. To read emails and blogs and recovery forums. To play a word game or two to stave off the Altzheimers.

I'm taking the husband to work in the morning so I can get to a noon meeting and hook up with one of my sponslings. She has 14 years, and is moving within the month permanently to about 2 hours south of here, where she has gotten a good state job and her life is winging off into undreamed of bliss. She got engaged at Christmas and her life is taking a good turn these days. I just tell her....

"God's got a DEAL for drunks that don't drink."



  1. Sounds like great accomplishment for you this day. I am new to your blog, so I have some reading to do. Glad you are back on line and that things are going pretty good for you. Blessings.

  2. Well I am glad to see you back in print.

    Love to you.

  3. I LOVE the word 'Sponsling'--just wish it sounded a bit more Masculine, know what I mean?

    HATE the word sponsee, I try all kinds of verbal acrobatics to avoid that term.

    ANOTHER Eli? Our "comcast" man here in Naples is named Eli. Maybe they give tht name to all cable installer/repairmen. That way, none of them get in trouble!

    But, Annie, I ALSO am glad you're back on line. GREAT!

  4. Oh I am so with Andrew on this...I am so glad that you are online and back!!! I love you!!!

