Monday, March 23, 2009

Magickal Monday

(left to Right....Frankie, Lily and Caylee...having a winter's afternoon nap)

Home from the Voluntary Simplicity class and watched the last half of Saving Grace. Probably the last time I'll get to watch it, unless I can find it on the computer. lol If all goes well with the satellite installation tomorrow, I'll call and cancel our bundle service of telephone, tv and internet. WooHoo!!!!

It was a frustrating and interesting day today....I seemed to be the electrical appliance Terminator this morning. First, as I was vacuuming, it quit working right. I'm going to have to take it in for repairs. sigh...Then (and this was the worst part)..after cleaning about half of my living room carpet, I had to stop to refill the water tank (for like the 3rd time) and when I put it back in and turned it on it went 'Pfffft! and stopped. My routine when I clean the carpet in the LR is to do all the perimeter stuff first, in about a 3 ft swath, and then do the center of the rug and work my way out. So. I have a rug with a big giant dirty square in the center. Plus, where the cleaner was sitting when it quit, it leaked a whole bunch of water onto the rug. So it looks like Secretariat came in and took the biggest pee of his life. IN 2 places.

Naturally, I have a sponsling coming at 8 AM and the satellite guy at 11. And I nearly blew a gasket. But I called a friend and she talked me down, lol. Arghhhhh....this huosehold cannot live without it's own carpet shampooer. So, I guess that is next on the agenda...otherwise we will be overcome with cat and dog puke, hairball stains, and general dirt from the pond loving, poop rolling doglets.

It's a good life...if you don't look too close and you keep some windows open....

I had the wherewithal to stop and breathe and count some blessings and phone a friend.
In class tonight, we talked about what kind of life you would like to be living...and I got to say, well...I'm doing it.

I'd better post this list of unspoken and apparent blessings before the 'puter kicks off again.

It's ALL good....



  1. Thanks for this. Even on bad days, with a Higher Power (we are fully aware of) working, I can still make sane decisions and have sane thoughts instead of insane brainstorms and grouch sessions.

    I think of all the grief, depression, anger and isolation I have shared with my Dogs and cats over the years and I realize how blessed I am to have little furry creatures who are there to be with me; who count on me for basic needs; who reflect unconditional affection; who give generously, who don't let the small stuff worry them.

    I had a day like this years ago, spilled a full gallon of paint on the floor (while trying to paint 14 foot ceilings), steam cleaner had to be bought (cause it was faster than renting one and I needed to get that paint up before it dried) then sprayed the couch down with wallpaper remover rather than the cleaner that was in a similarly shaped bottle (thank God the steam cleaner was there!) It's amazing when I look back on it, at my most awful desperate moments, how I got through...

    Thank God!

  2. Annie, you write about hairballs--while I'm trying to grow me a pot belly before June 14th....(sigh!). "Hand me another HERSHEY BAR."

  3. Akannie, your posse won't go phtt on ya. Thanks fro the humor. It will all come out in the end.

  4. It sounds great to me, your life sounds very similar to mine, you have to not look too closely at my house or the dust rhinos and such will get well we have three dogs, do the math there...LOL!
    I am glad you are well! have LOTS of tv shows online for free!!! Just FYI...
    Love ya,

  5. Sweet picture and a comforting picture. I am sure they are just as comforting in real life. What a blessings.
