Sunday, January 18, 2009

Suddenly Sunday...

Criminey...these are me today...
And my hip is killing me and I may have to resort to a pain pill before going to bed. Last night I didn't sleep much at all...everytime I would have to turn over or shift, it was excruciating. It doesn't get like this too much anymore, and I rarely have to take the analgesics, but I guess crawling around under the truck the other day did a number on me.
I was talking to someone this afternoon about all the blessings that make us sit up and take notice, and how different they are from the blessings that we just take for granted. The ordinary blessings, the garden variety blessings. And how cool it is when something happens that makes us realize how much our lives are shaped by these things.
Like, I really got a first hand taste of how blessed we are when we have our health. When we can walk and work without pain. I will never be able to sit on the floor again. (For some goofy reason, that's a big one to me). I can't sit in chairs without a back on them for more than about 10 minutes. I can't lie in a hot bath...oh, I hate that...I cannot remember anymore, after 7.5 years, what it is like to not have chronic pain. To be able to stay on your feet for extended periods of time. To be able to sleep through the night. Little things.
Looking at our lives every day like everything is a miracle is an exercise in Beauty. It is an exercise in Hope. It is an exercise in Love.
Look around you. Pay attention. Practice the miracle of mindfulness.
Squeeze every drop out of every day...because you just never know.

1 comment:

  1. 'Looking at our lives every day like everything is a miracle is an exercise in Beauty. It is an exercise in Hope. It is an exercise in Love.
    Look around you. Pay attention. Practice the miracle of mindfulness.
    Squeeze every drop out of every day...because you just never know.'

    Thank you for the reminder. I need to remember this.


