Monday, January 19, 2009

Meandering through Monday...

It was a slow going laid back kind of day, for the most part. I took care of the little woofer, made sure she got her medicines at all the right times, cleaned up after her, and loved her UP. I straightened a little, I did some dishes, I fed some chickens. I took a nice long bath with water boiled on the stove, just like camping. Washed my hair and spiffed myself up. Felt much better after that...

The chicken and rice casserole was in the oven by 2:45, as it takes 3 hours to bake. I went online and paid some bills. I did a little reading from my new Amy Tan book. Talked to my neighbor on the phone for about half an hour--last night she had to call an ambulance and take him to the ER. His back is out and he couldn't get out of bed. He's a tall guy, probably over 6'3, and she couldn't help him, he was in excruciating pain. He's better today after all the

The pup update is that she is much better and walking more and even starting to be able to squat again. Bless her little heart...every now and again she twists the wrong way and cries out. She is still refusing to cooperate with the leash though. sigh...

It's been snowing for the past few hours, a light fluffy snow that has covered the car and yards. I have hubby's lunch made, his breakfast as well, and everything cleaned up. I'm ready to hit the sleepy I can barely keep my peepers open! I've been up since 6:30. Still not sleeping well, but maybe tonight...

I'm feeling a lot of gratitude sister-in-law is celebrating 25 years sober tomorrow (or today). My friend is celebrating 4 years. There are more sober people in my life than there are drunks. Wasn't always so...

Tomorrow is the big day in Washington. It's amazing we survived to this point. It will be a historic day and I plan to watch the whole shebang on television.

My quote for today is from ~~Tolkien. It goes like this:
"Faith dares the soul to look beyond where the eyes can see."

I really like that...


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