Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thursday's thriller

[Le Poulet Chalet...home of the world's meanest rooster]

I had a tussle with the world's meanest rooster again today. I swear, some days it's like WMR has a bad case of PMS. I keep threatening to make a nice dumpling dinner outta him... He scratched me up as he came flying out of the henhouse at me when I opened the door to let them out. He hit me right in the middle of my back again, and I swung around with the half full gallon of water in my hand and cold cocked him. Knocked him silly...long enough for me to make my escape. Of course all the dogs were there, going crazy outside the pen. It was a 3 ring circus. lol World's Meanest Old Woman 1: World's Meanest rooster 2.
I had a good day otherwise. Slow and sweet, and was taken out for dinner by a long lost sponsee who has returned (maybe) and then on to a meeting. It was small, but it was good. It was a 10th Step meeting, and we read from the BB and from the 12&12. There were several newish women there, so it was good to talk about inventories and all that good stuff.
I am grateful for newbies who have their first "really good day!!"
I am blessed by the upcoming visit of my baby brother and his little family. My sister and husband are coming too and maybe a cousin and his family. We'll do something simple like bbq burgers and brats, and just have a great visit. Family is good.
I am blessed that I could surprise a young woman with a couple of carnations and baby's breath in a vase and some cupcakes for her birthday tonight. It's her bellybutton birthday, and it was actually yesterday.
I am blessed and awed by the sighting of a huge comet on my way home tonight. It was so low, and it was fiery yellow-orange. The head and the tail were so distinct it had to be close. I was driving home through the farm countryside, a lonely dark windy road, when I saw it. I was so excited. I have seen lots of shooting stars, but never a comet like that...I'm trying to find some informnation about it, but so far, nothing. I KNOW I wasn't hallucinating...
I am off to bed early tonight, so I can get up and take hubby to work. I'll have to shop for some groceries, and get some stamps, and clean my carpets tomorrow. Full day---good thing I'm sober!!


  1. Well, thank you, Annie. Great to read a sensible post. You don't sound anxious, disturbed, depressed, hateful, afraid, or any of those ...but rather, "look at what's going on in MY life today". Rather refreshing!

    Now, I don't wanna make anyone angry, but I just like your style. So, good night all, and all a good night.

  2. I don't doubt for a second that you saw that huge comet. I consider anything like that to be a blessing. Very exciting!

  3. I'm laughing as I picture you and the Rooster! Sounds like a wonderul day!
