Friday, October 10, 2008


[At Cahokia Mounds State Park: Indian Burial Grounds]

This is a pretty cool museum and grounds to tour, if you're ever in this neck of the woods. ((Alkyseltzer)) Have you been there? They have some reconstructed village stuff and huge mounds to climb. I always wonder what the spirits are thinking, with all those clop-clop feet stomping around all the time. lol

I am whipped tonight. I have been cleaning--shampooed carpets and mopped wood floors and vacuumed and dusted and scoured showers and cleaned toilets. AND I shopped and put stuff into serving size pkgs for us and froze them. AND made a confetti cole slaw, a Meditteranean pasta salad, a Pina Colada cake (no run--only pineapple, cocnut, mandarin oranges...yum) , and 2 dozen devilled eggs and got the 5 pounds of ground beef pattied and the brats ready to grill. All for my baby brother and his family coming. My son and daughter-in-law are coming too. I have been up since 5 AM and it's now almost 12:30....


I am grateful to be blessed with family.
I am grateful that I have a big old bed in there calleng my name.
I am blessed to have fouond some great sales on some freezer stockin' stuff.
It was a beautiful day today, and I am grateful that I got to have all the windlows open to help dry the carpets.

I am grateful that tomorrow will be around 80...sunny and beautiful.

I am grateful to know that I am going to sleep like a baby.



  1. Wow. You've been going all day. Hope you got a good night sleep so you can enjoy your family todya.

  2. damn, that sounds tiring but fun.
