Thursday, October 2, 2008

Thankful on a Thursday

[The coffeepot in the kitchen at Dr. Bob's House in Akron]

Ah.....winding down after a VERY successful speaker and potlkuck. We had over 60 people and the speaker was great. Did not run out of chili, but it was almost all gone (a total of about 8-9 gallons of chili!!!!!) We had to scurry around digging up extra chairs and were filled to bursting. It was great.

I am exhausted. lol And almost ready for bed. Last night I didn't post my blessings as I was having terrible muscle spasms and when I took the muscle relaxer it sent me to bed. I was asleep (on a heating pad--I know, I know) by 9:30. I still had things to be thankful for, even though I was crying a couple of times there. And I missed not posting!!

Tonight I am grateful for all the sober people who helped with this shindig, the putting out, the putting up and the eating. I am grateful for friends. I am grateful for not hurting too badly today and getting through tonight with a modicum of discomfort. I am blessed watching new people come in the doors and watching us having fun and fellowship SOBER !! I am especially blessed by all the laughter tonight.

One of the guys that came with the speaker (from across the Big Muddy) tonight got his 1 year card and coin too. After he got all choked up talking a bit and sat down, I said "Hey! Now you can go back and tell everyone you got your 1 year coin at a WOMEN'S MEETING !!!!!!! You'll never forget this birthday!!" lol

So, along with all the food and a great speaker, we got to celebrate 3 birthdays. WOW. I just doesn't get any better than this.

OKay.. I'm off to bed. Sober and happy.
Thank you, God!!


  1. How frequently I hear, and often I'm saying, "It just doesn't get any better then this!"

    Had I been there, I could have said the same words! (I love chili, both black AND white!)

  2. Just found your blog through Steve (Alkyseltzer) and am stopping by to say hello!
