Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tuesdays in the country

[Leo de Catrio]

It was a long and busy day today. I just finished cleaning up the kitchen from supper and the remnants of the chili endeavor. Tomorrow afternoon I'll start the big batch...today I made a lovely white chili. It's made with cannelini beans and ground turkey, onions, garlic and chopped [mild]green chilis. The spices are breathtaking as well....cumin and oregano and cinnamon and of course, cayenne pepper and white pepper. Sea salt. It makes a great soup, and you puree about half the beans to thicken it and give it a rich full body. It is a little time consuming, but well worth it in the end. I made about 4 gallons of it, maybe a little more. Tomorrow the real chili gets made. I'm using about 20 pounds of ground beef and it should make my water bath canner full. That's probably the best pan I have for making it in. I'll make a batch or two of cornbread as well, and K's German Chocolate birthday cake.

Had a good day, all in all. A couple of phone calls, but mostly just me and the critters, here in the Peaceful Valley. lol We went outside and played for a bit, Caylee and Molly and Lucy and Junko Taibei. Caylee can only go out with an adult present, since the great escapade. Just until she's a little bigger and a little older. I did a little house straightening, a little chicken tending, and fed the cats and dogs. I worked on the story I'm writing some too.

These are the days when all the blessings are so obvious, I don't even feel like I have to write them down. The days when I feel confident and present and serene. The kind of day that you wake up with a 'thank you' on your lips.

I love the green of the grass and the golds and reds of the trees and the blue blues of the sky. I love the purring of my cats as they deign to honor me with their presence. I love that my husband and I are both sober and that no matter what, we are there for each other.

I am feeling especially blessed tonight. Off to bed...5 AM comes early.


  1. "Cooking and Love+ or Loving Cooking?

    Anna (wife) would tell you chili is my VERY favorite, rain or shine, hot or cold weather.

    And as per your last paragraph, we love what YOU love, and we are also both happily sober today.

  2. I apologize for referring to your "hitting nail in your head" on Mary Loweezie's blog comments -grin-

  3. The white chili sounds totally divine. You describe it in a way that makes my mouth water. Then to pour it on, you talk about cornbread and German Chocolate cake....WOW! I'll be right over.
    I hear the peace and serenity in all your post. Isn't it wonderful!!!

  4. Dear Akannie,

    Thanks for commenting on my blog yesterday. I love your blog. Glad I was able to have a chance to visit. Your surroundings are breathtaking. Where in North Carolina are you?
    I hope you have visited TrailBoss as well. She lives in Tennessee and has much in common with you.
    Beautiful surroundings, lots of kids and critters - lovely horses, dogs, just a wonderful person.

    My mouth watered at your "white chili recipe !!!! Sounds delicious ! You sure do make alot when you cook !
    Please stay in touch. I will look forward to reading your blogs.
    Have a great day, peanut

  5. LOL...

    Alky--if you only knew all the nails in my head! I love chili too...all kinds!

    Peanut-- I don't live in NC anymore, the past 3 years I am back in Illinois in the farm country. I ahven't read Trailboss, but I sure will now! And I'm only making so much because it's a speaker/eating meeting that my women's group is hosting...

    Prayergirl-- C'mon down....I feed people all the time. The bad thing is everybody wants to come here but nobody wants to cook for me because they're all too insecure about their cooking. sigh...I try to tell them there are no rules and you can cook with abandon, that's why I like it so much! And it is wonderful....God is good.

  6. We go every two years to Belleville IL, to the Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows. Love that area in spring, summer, and fall. What about...? Never mind!

    Also we've been couple times in last three years to Lincoln IL, where Anna has relatives. It's usually a one-nighter...(you know, in-laws?...just joking.)

    Also one of our favorite little towns is New Harmony IN

  7. Dude-o-roni!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Belleville is like 40 minutes from here!!!
    Hubby has been to the shrine but I never have.It is a beautiful area....
    I went to high school in Edwardsville, which is between B'ville and me. I live in a little corntown called Bunker Hill.(noone knows why). LOL
