Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sunday's Surrender

[A cannon at Gettysburg]

I thought the cannon picture from our vacation one year would make for a great intro into a blog on surrender. lol That must have been 2003?? We took a trip from NC to the Poconos, to meet up with a bunch of sober folks who get together annually at least, and that year it was up in the beautiful mountains of Pennsylvania. We got to travel the Cumberland Gap, Shenandoah Valley, Lancaster,PA where the Amish are, Gettysburg (hubby was so happy he nearly died--Civil War freak that he is), Woodstock (visited dear dear friends in Bainbridge NY, and they took us on a day trip to Woodstock and through the Alleghenies. It was a delightful trip. First time I'd ever been to New York or Pennsylvania. Bainbridge, BTW, is the home of Elmer's Glue. lol It's their claim to fame.

Sunday is winding down. My gratitude list goes lilke this:

*Grateful that you can't be hateful and grateful at the same time.
*Grateful to have had the LP for 4 days.
*Grateful he went home today.
*Grateful for sober friends.
*Grateful for AA birthdays.
*Grateful for the role models who show me what to do and what not to do.
*Grateful for the opportunity to be a grandma.
*Grateful for apples and hickory nuts.
*Grateful that tonight I am going to bed early.



  1. Blog read--to me--more like 'victory' instead of 'surrender'. However, I'm in love with both topics, V and S! Especially when, as in our case, surrender came BEFORE victory.

    Enjoyed my vicarious trip! Thanks.

  2. I admit I was also with you vicariously on your 2003 trip.

    I remember taking a school trip in grade school to Gettysburg. It made a huge impression on me.

  3. I don't get over to the Poconos enough... Someday when I win the lottery I've always thought of getting a little cottage over there... Ahhh, someday...

  4. ...I swear--there was a comment from Kathy Lynn and it went POOF! when I hit publish.

    What is happening? This is the second time this has happened and I think the other was one from PG some time back.
    Anybody know if there is anyway to look at comments that were made?

