Monday, October 20, 2008

Monkeyin' around on a Monday...

[Seamus the wonder dog....]

A contemplative and reflective daay today, for the most part. Ran some errands, talked to some alocholics in recovery, checked up on some family. All in all, a good day.

It's midnight already, and I'd hoped to be in bed early tonight. lol I have been up since 4:30 AM and can barely think. I can remember the days when staying up for 20 hours was no big whoop. Not anymore...

Lots of gratitude for my life today. And lots of gratitude for new beginnings.

Hope everyone out there feels as blessed as I do.

Must sleep.....


  1. Yeah--me...ME! I feel as blest as you!
    Ain't life a BALL?

  2. How I long for a dog like Seamus!

    Send me one of his puppies please Annie...


  3. I always hear a lot of gratitude in your posts.

    Yes, I feel blessed - very!
