Sunday, October 12, 2008

Simple Sundays

[Natural Bridge State Park in Virginia]

Whew....what a Sunday. A beautiful day with a high of about 83. Sunny and clear.
We started the day out with the 10 o'clock meeting. It was a great meeting, got to give a friend who made a surprise visit his 9 year coin. He has moved north of here about 2 hours to be in a union apprenticeship program, and he said his birthday was last week, but they don't celebrate birthdays with coins up there. Craziest thing I ever heard of. lol SO I dug around in my purse and found my old nine year coin and gave it to him. It was a great step meeting on the 8th step, and lots of good stuff was shared.

Then hubby and I headed off to the Old Settlers' Days celebrations up in Calhoun County. That was a lot of fun. On the way home, I got a sponsee had her baby!! She called me an hour after he was born. He's having some minor problems, so they shuttled him over to St Louis to Children's Hospital. But he is okay, and she is fine but exhausted. The little beggar weighed in at 8lbs15 ounces. YIKES!!! That's half grown!! I can't wait to see him... I told her, I'm probably gonna get all stupid...I love babies....

I got a beautiful green swirled stone mortar and pestle today at the flea market. It's new and from India...I've been looking for a cheap one (they can get really expensive!) and this one was 7 dollars. I need it for grinding herbs. I'm tickled pink to have it!

Everybody's sacked out and asleep but me. Guess I'd better think about going to join the ranks.

My gratitude list of blessings is long tonight:

Blessed by healthy new babies and new first time mommies.
Blessed by friends.
Blessed that my cousin is doing well after having 2 stints put in.
Blessed that I can walk around outdoor events.
Blessed to be a faithful member of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Grateful that I can be there for someone else in their time of anxiety.
Grateful that I found this blogging community.
Grateful that tomorrow's a holiday.
Grateful to know my Higher Power.
Grateful to be able to trust people, when for years I couldn't.
Blessed to be me, where I am, now.
Blessed to be able to look on the bright side...most of the time.
Grateful that today, I don't have to overreact to things.
Grateful that today I don't HAVE to act out. (Even tho I do sometimes)
Grateful to be on this side of the dirt.

Sweet dreams, all y'all....

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