Monday, October 13, 2008

Columbus Day Monday

[The Montmorency Cherry tree I planted 3 years ago]

I have 5 fruit trees in my front and side yards. One 5-in-one apple, one 2-in-1 pear, 1 cherry and 2 peach trees. I also have hickory nut and black walnut trees. And here's the deal: it makes me feel like a farmer to have these things. To have my asparagus bed, my strawberries, blackberries, 6 25 ft long raised garden beds planted with assorted and sundry vegetables. My chickens. Makes me feel like no matter what comes down the pike, I can survive. Such a feeling of security!

I'm feeling really blessed right this minute. Just talked to baby mama, and everyone is doing well. They are weaning baby off the ventilator, mama is out of the hospital so she can be at the children's hospital with him, and she called and updated me on what's happening. This little new family has had a bit of a rocky start, but lots of people are praying for them. It's such a blessing to be a part of a community (AA) where so many people care about each other.

Got some things marked off the to-do list today, and for that I am grateful.
Had chats with several friends-for that I am grateful.
Spent some quality time with hubby- BLESSED!

Gonna keep this short so maybe ((Pammie)) will read my blog. After all, she is the blogdiva this week. (Congratulations, Miss DivaPants!!)

I am grateful to be sober....


  1. Gee, I hate to get in here before "Diva Pammie" (I'm not gonna do the 'Pants' thing!)

    I need to get on my "to-do" list, and here I sit reading all the stuff! I AM hooked , someone help, HELP!

  2. And congratulations to the beebee. Please keep us 'pray-ers' updated.
    Thank you.

  3. OH YAHOOO I'm a diva, and it is something I have aimed for.
    I'm bad about leaving comments even when I read a blog....sugar!
    Your feeling of being "blessed" really shows and is inspiring.
