Sunday, September 7, 2008

Serene Sundays

It's been a nice quiet (mostly) Sunday. The grandson was here to spend the night on Saturday and his mom came to fetch him around 11 AM. We had a nice (although short) visit. We made pancakes and scrambled eggs for his breakfast and spent a little time out in the garden as well before she got here, so it was all good.

I harvested tomatoes and green beans and bell peppers from the remains of the garden. There are still a couple of eggplant out there, but they don't look great. Still more bell peppers too. I ground the tomatoes (mostly Romas and yellow Brandywines) and then cooked them down before putting into the freezer. I made stuffed bell peppers for supper and put the rest in the fridge....tomorrow I will cut them into strips and freeze them. The stuffed peppers were delicious. As a side dish, I cooked fresh garlic and onions and green beans in olive oil over pretty high heat. A little cracked pepper and sea salt and they were heavenly. I am ALWAYS grateful for fresh vegetables....

Rereading my last post, I feel a little sheepish. I sound like a petulant child sometimes. Especially when I know that everything will be exactly the way it is supposed to be--so skip the high drama! I am grateful tonight for optimism and for hope and for serenity. For the sounds a puppy makes when it sleeps, chasing some wild and elusive rabbit through her dreams. For the letter I got for Grandparents Day. For love in my life....wherever it comes from.

Here's to brighter days, and answered prayers, and trusting that if the Universe is giving me a sign, I will recognize it. And to feeling especially blessed.

Always that.


  1. Hey AKANNIE, I just commented on your Web Page, now I find THIS site. I'm really torn which to follow -grin- but time will sort it out, yeah, "so skip the high drama!", Steve.

    And, yeah..."For love in my life....wherever it comes from." (Since my wife Anna (23 years sober) joined ALANON (4 yrs) life has just gotten better and better, I cannot stand it sometimes! Love can even come from a four-footed thingie!

    ...I'm gonna blogroll you so I don't have to keep looking it up. OK?
    Steve E.

  2. 2nd comment: Others on here will tell you it's a good idea to click 'comment moderation' in 'settings/comments' on your blogger dashboard--if you chhose. I was advised that by Mary Christine...and it was a good move. "I'm jes sayin'"

  3. Hi there. Hope you stick around the blogosphere. We come and go a lot, and it would be nice to have another 50+ person around.

  4. Thanks --both you guys! And I plan on sticking around...50+ or
