Monday, September 8, 2008

Rainy days and Mondays...

Early evening, hubby is out to the Sierra Club meeting and I am here with the furry side of the family. I decided not to go tonight because I mowed today and stepped in another Jack Russell Terrorist hole...sigh....turning my ankle and hurting my back again. It's that weird hurt that you know is gonna be a bust tomorrow. Dang...and I was trying to be careful. The man of the house filled in the last one I stepped in, so I guess Miss Molly McGee decided it had to be replaced. See, here's the thing about JRT's...they are incorrigible. NO one is their master. They are runners and roamers. And they can be the sweetest little things in the world, IF you can overlook their obvious character defects. She's my little Aladog...

Had one of those God things happen today. I finally was returning a call to my friend B. as I drove into town to the PO to get some stamps. The phone didn't ring, and I heard the eerie electronic sound of someone dialing. Hello, says I, hello?? And she very slowly somebody there? And I start laughing and she recognizes that goofy gutbuster of a laugh of mine. We talked for about half an hour, and she said some things that I really needed to hear today. She was talking about something she's going through and writing a 4th step inventory about...and it was the absolute perfect thing for me to hear. All the planets were in alignment and the neurons were all firing in order...and I heard it.

My sobriety date is June 12, 1990...and I'm telling you, ever since I put the plug in the jug, I have been witness to more miraculous stuff than any one person wants to see. Some of it is real "garden variety" miracle stuff, and some of it has been BIG stuff. And I am grateful to be privvy to some of this stuff, and I know none of it would be possible without sobriety.

Today, I'm grateful that that veil of addiction has been removed. I'm grateful that I can be grateful, and not be a victim. I'm grateful to have the option of choosing gratitude every day. And like that little weird greeter guy at the door at my first meeting said..."You don't ever have to drink again if you don't want to." The trick is to have a life that makes it easy to NOT want to. The program and fellowship of AA gave me that.

SUCH a deal.....


  1. I'm grateful that I can be grateful, and not be a victim.
    Isn't that the best?

  2. Girl, I just LIKE the way you talk...well, write? Thanks.

  3. OOOOO our sobriety dates are so close...JUNE BIRTHDAYS ROCK !!
    Thanks for coming by my blog, and I'll be back.
