Thursday, April 17, 2014

Thinking on a Thursday...

 Not so hard, eh ?  And makes a lot of sense [to me].

  Of course I have a to-do list in front of me-I am famous around here for my "lists", lol.  This one has been sitting here since yesterday, when I transferred all the UN-done things from Tuesday to Wednesday's list. I completed about half of them, and today I'll probably just scratch off Wednesday and write Thursday.  lol

  I had some company yesterday morning, and she stayed way longer than I expected. optimistically long list didn't get done.  But I accomplished enough and wasn't too upset about it.  She didn't leave til almost 4 o'clock, just about time for me to start supper. After supper, the Irishman and I watched a Netflix movie--Identity Theft. We saw it at the theater when it came out, and it's so funny it was a hoot to watch it again. Then it was time for his bed and me to get on the computer and play --are you busy ?? Let the dogs in and out at least 3 times and then just when you get back to the office again a cat wants out and will yowl and yowl until you come open the door and then when you get back here again another damn cat wants out. And then by the time you get a glass of water and get back here again the damn dogs want back in.  It's where I get most of my exercise in a day to be honest. LOL

 It warmed up some yesterday. Not enough to do something crazy like plant or anything. But it was at least 50 and it was sunny. And windy. Today is heading for 65 and the nighttime temps are warming up too. Looking at the extended forecast, it appears that spring might actually have arrived. Wouldn't that be nice ?

 I bought some little pots of Tarragon, perennial garlic and perennial onions that need to get out in the dirt soon. I watered them good yesterday and brought them in here to sit in the front window.  I am a little worried about it being planting time, as I am still  having a lot of pain in my right arm. I go back to the ortho guy on Monday...I don't know if it's nerve pain or what, but I can do something as innocuous as pulling a door closed and nearly scream in pain. It's got me a little worried. One of my nurse friends said there's often nerve problems from these braces too. Sigh...I don't wear it all the time. He told me not to.  I'm also having all kinds of muscle cramps (arms and legs) and muscle pain in my upper arm. Don't know if that's just weakness from the injury or if there is something wrong. I have NOT gotten nearly enough exercise this horrid long winter, I know that's true. I should get my yoga tapes out and start stretching at the very least...

 Tonight I am picking up a couple of women and we are driving about an hour and a half to hear another friend give a talk. That will be fun--ROAD TRIP !!!!  lol   I need to clean my car.(Better put that on the list).  Have to make some supper and have it ready for himself , because I will not be here when he gets home from work.  I'm leaving just before he gets home, and I'm sure he will welcome the time home alone. Not sure what I'll make--hopefully it will come to me in due time. Gotta check and see what's in the pantry...

 Just took a stroll out to the henhouse...came back in, filled the dog food bowls and the animal water bowls too. Made myself a very pretty smoothie for breakfast with some golden flaxseed thrown in and some protein powder too. 

Isn't that gorgeous??  A dark mauve, one of my favorite colors...I had a part of a bag of [each] blueberries, strawberries and mangoes. Then I opened a bag of pineapple and threw some of those in the mix. A squirt of lemon juice, some almond milk, 2 carrots and 2 ribs of celery. It tastes really good...a perfect breakfast for a perfect day. 

  Alright--I do have granola bars to make again and I can get those started and then do a couple of other little things. I've decided not to shower until I get most of my dirtier work done, then I can get cleaned up for tonight, so for now I'll throw on some old sweats and turn on some loud music and get my groove on. After's Thursday, and it's sunny-ish and I might just throw open the old windows too.  We'll see how I feel about that after I get out there and clean the chicken coop. It's only 9:30 in the morning--might still be a little too cool.

  Ahhhh....spring.  The possibilities are endless...



  1. You will get it all done Annie! I have faith in you!!

  2. LOL...I just might. And if I don't ?? well, there's always tomorrow.

  3. We were thisclose to having spring and now it's snowing again. I know it won't last forever but I feel like I'm trapped in Narnia! Lol!
    Have you tried massage for your aches? Or soaking in Epsom salts? Sometimes all we need is time to heal.
    I hope the road trip was awesome!

  4. I think heartinhand hit the nail on the head. We sometimes just need the time to heal. Hard to tolerate when there's so much we want to do though, isn't it?

    Hope you are getting your nice weather. But you know what happens then . . . our lists double because we have both the inside and outside things we want to/need to/must do!!!
    (I think it all helps to keep us young.)

  5. HIH--I am getting massage and am trying everything I can think of.

    We nearly had spring snatched away also, but it looks like it's maybe FINALLY here to stay !

  6. Mama Pea--I know exactly what happens. Bahahahahahaha

    It's been 11 weeks, which feels like an eternity.

