Tuesday, March 11, 2014

We sprang forward...

  The past few days have been warm and sunny. Those kind of days make me feel like I'm coming out of hibernation. I wake up enthused and full of energy. Big plans to do lots of stuff.  And then I try to get the cord out of the coffee grinder with one hand, or fasten my bra or...sigh...and I get so frustrated I just want to go back to bed.

  Today was better.  And it was almost 80 degrees. Yikes.  It's thundering and lightening now, with big wind and rain. It's nearing midnight, and it's still 65 degrees out there.  They say a cold front is going to move in when I go to bed, bringing a wintry mix and up to an inch of snow.  Sheesh.  I'm hoping it blows on over and goes somewhere else. I have to take a woman to the food pantry and the grocery store in the morning, and then I have a chiropractor appt in the afternoon.

  I'm worried that this wrist isn't healing. Still a fair amount of pain in it, though it is better. I think. 6 more days and we'll know.

  Went to my nephews house for supper on Sunday, a little surprise birthday supper for his mom that h put together at the last minute. It was a good time, his cooking is wonderful and my sister in law was very surprised to see us there. She's still taking the chemo once a month, but seems to be doing pretty good.  Thank you, God.

  I had some women over on Friday so I got a little cleaning done with the help of my son.  Baked up an Amish Cinnamon Loaf and it was good.  The house is a complete disaster again, of course, but I might get some stuff done tomorrow and Thursday. I did get laundry done today before I went off for my twice a month office volunteer stint.  Monday night we had discussion group: we're reading 2 chapters at a time in a book called Spiritual Ecology. We've got one more night of it and then it's finished, and we have to decide what we'll be doing next.

 I'm going to have a busy April, and possibly throughout the summer. April 5th, I am attending a women's one day retreat, full of all kinds of exciting things. I'll be helping with the food there, I think.  April 12 I will be facilitating a night called The Welcome Table, attended by our local CSA members and also some Earth day participants from the Sierra Club and Nature Institute (they have some kind of shindig going on during the day and will join us in the evening).  I will prepare several soups and breads and we will talk about food. What to do with certain things in their shares, how to prepare nutritious meals and any questions they might have about anything related to this.  I am going to be doing some food preservation workshops for the Sierra Club and maybe a couple of others as well,  as they offer a series through the summer on Living Well.  I'm very excited and particularly honored to be asked to do them.  Later in the summer I will probably do another canning workshop at La Vista and then in August, I will be cooking for the retreat again.  Great fun.  I'm just hoping I will have 2 good arms to use.  lol

 Well, the sound of the rain is putting me to sleep, and I'm going to head for bed. Sweet dreams...




  1. You manage to type pretty darn well for someone with only one hand, Annie. I'm glad it's healing, even if it's gradual. You do get quite a lot done in a day, I've always admired that ability. :-)

  2. You are a remarkable lady Annie! You are like the Timex clock, you just keep going and going. I hope you get good news when the cast is removed.

    Sounds like fun times ahead for you.

  3. You always make me think of the expression, "Busier than a one-armed paper hanger." Just so happens that currently, it's very applicable!

  4. Busy people get things done!
    Remember to take a little time to heal, girl.

  5. Alright, DJan...I have to admit that I am using the middle finger of my right hand too. Sideways. The very tip. LOL

    I'm feeling particularly lazy today...have a little list and haven't started any of it.

  6. Thanks Beth, I hope so too. It's going to be a good summer...

  7. LOL--Mama Pea !! Didn't your mother teach you not to poke fun at handicapped people >?????

    Sometimes I think I'm afraid that if I just stop for too long, I'll not get started again, and wind up being one of those old ladies in a house with 15 cats and little aisles though all the stuff piled up.


  8. HIH--

    A long time ago, a man said to me--always ask the busiest people when you need things -they get things done. It was about work stuff, but I find it to be true in volunteer organizations and everywhere else as well.

    My wrist is feeling better and the whiplash is responding well to the chiro and massage treatments too. Hallelujah!
