Thursday, February 6, 2014

And the cold goes on..and on, and on, and on..

...but as you can see, there was at least some sunshine, which the critters took immediate advantage of. This is big goofy Bella and old man Po.  Soaking up the rays.

  It never made it to 12 degrees today and seeing as how it started out t something insane like -5, I guess we can't complain. It was tolerable, for very short bits of time. The dogs never stayed out longer than 15 minutes at a time.  I didn't go out AT ALL. For any reason. The boy took care of the chickens and got the mail. That was about it for that. I stayed in and baked banana bread, using up the black organic bananas on the counter. They were  still fine inside-well, ripe, of course, but not bad.  Made 2 lovely loaves of banana/cranberry/almond bread. It was light and tasty and between the 3 of us, we've nearly finished off one loaf already.  I had some ground beef in the fridge that needed using, so I made a small meatloaf (just enough for one meal and the Irishman's lunch).  I also baked a pan of campfire potatoes--a layered dish of potatoes, onions, butter, cheese, salt and pepper. In summer I put them in foil and cook them on the bbq grill. On a picnic, they cook great on a campfire. Then I scoured the veggie drawer for things that needed using and cooked up a cast iron skillet full of  broccoli, mushrooms, onions, carrots, celery and spinach. It takes me awhile to slice things up, but I'm getting faster.  It was a good meal.

 SO--Wednesday I went to the doc and he checked me out, looked at the xrays and put a cast on my arm. I asked him if I could please have my fingers back, and he said sure.

Here I am. Fingers and all. When they cut the splint off, my fingers were so stiff and swollen I couldn't move them much. That got better quickly. My forearm (underside) was seriously bruised, about 2/3 of the way to my elbow. My hand was all yellow and greenish, black and blue as well.  He said that I had a serious sprain to my hand, and he wouldn't be surprised if there was some tendon damage. He said I was lucky that I had such good bones. He said if I had to break it, I did a really good job--it was a good clean break with no displacement. I will go back in 3 weeks when they will cut this cast off and redo the x-rays. If it is looking good enough to suit him, he will let me wear a wrist brace instead of another cast. He said that I should have about 85% of my normal wrist usage back by the end of this, but it wouldn't be a hundred percent for about a year. 

  I'm already hating this cast. LOL  It itches, my arm hurts, and it's unwieldy.  But I can use my fingers to help stabilize whatever I'm having to do with my left hand, and that helps a lot.  I took a nice hot bath this afternoon and nearly killed myself trying to get up in the tub. I'll not do that again...especially not when I'm here by myself. Both my knees are terribly bruised and so I couldn't easily get on my knees to get up out of the tub. Because I can't hold onto anything with one hand, it got a  dicey there for a bit. I talked myself through it and feel better clean. lol  Next time I'll just use the shower.  My back is hurting and I thought a nice soak in some Epsom salts would be good. Except I seem to be out of that.  I'm going to make a follow-up appointment with the doc from the car accident and see about getting some chiropractic treatment and some massage maybe. The insurance people said they would pay--all I have to do is have the Dr prescribe them, a certain number of each and that's what they'll pay for.  Hallelujah. It's been a rough spots.

  Well, I'm going to go to bed and try to sleep. I think that tomorrow I will go out and get behind the wheel. The Irishman says the road is very passable now. I'll give it a shot. Maybe just a trial run--down to Dollar General or something.  Saturday is the Irishman's birthday, and I think we are going to check out the new Texas Roadhouse for lunch and then hit a matinee. I do need to pick him up a birthday card and plan to make him some pumpkin bread too. He doesn't really like cake, always prefers a sweet bread or a pie.

  Sweet dreams, friends...



  1. My brother's birthday is also Saturday. I ventured out in the snow today to get him a card but didn't even make it to my car it was so windy and cold.
    The new cast looks good Annie. Yeah it is probably best to wait to take showers til your husband is home. Hang in there!

  2. I'm going to try your campfire potatoes this autumn, sounds so tasty and filling.

    Do take care Annie and a birthday hug to the Irishman.

  3. Glad to hear it's finally casted and looking like a clean break. You are lucky you were actually able to get out of that tub. Would have been embarrassing to have the Irishman come home and find you still in it. :-)

  4. Take very good care of that arm Annie!!

    Campfire potatoes sounds good!

  5. RJ--This weather is too crazy. This morning it's -6, but headed for a balmy 19.

    Yea, maybe I'll live and learn.HAH!

  6. Mary, they are a nice change. I kinda wanted some scalloped potatoes, but not all that dairy, so these fit well. I go lightly on the cheese--sometimes. Can't ever go wrong with onions and potatoes.

  7. It would have been freezing--I'm about beyond being embarrassed by anything in life, DJan. I would have been so mad by the time he got home it would have been like bathing a cat. LOL

    I was very relieved that there were no other bones involved, esp those little hand/wrist bones. The way it was hurting across the top of my hand, I wasn't sure...

  8. Thanks Bethie, I will. I'm off to Dollar General in a bit to but some oversized rubber kitchen gloves to cover this thing for doing dishes.

  9. I do NOT know how you manage to do so much cooking with your handicap! And I hope somebody chastised you for taking a bath with no one else home. What are we going to do with you?? (You would have to be literally tied down to keep you from doing all that you regularly do!) Just remember that if you stress your body too much, healing will be slower than if you took it a little bit easier. But I know mentally you don't feel as good when you feel like you're being a get-nothing-done slough-off. 'Tis a vicious cycle, isn't it?

  10. Girl - you are absolutely amazing. You are handicapped and still able to bake so much. I'd like some of whatever it is you are on - he he. I could use a little help. I find a challenge to cook even because my back hurts then - standing is hard - every hard for me. You go girl. I hope the break is one that heals fast and well for you. In the meantime, try to take care of yourself.

  11. Hurray for fingers! I see that this 'minor inconvenience' hasn't slowed you down, LOL! We used to make those picnic potatoes on the grill when we did hamburgers - it's one of my favorite ways to fix potatoes. Sounds like you have a good doc, and the idea of massage therapy sounds heavenly - take advantage of it! And do NOT do any bathing by yourself again - until that wrist is healed. That's an order... :)

  12. Mama is easy. Tying shoes is hard. LOL

    I swear I won't take any more baths/showers without someone in the house.

    It is a vicious cycle...but I have to do some thing or my head will explode. (And that's a lot harder to fix than a broken wing). lol

  13. Mary--it's a combination of Naproxen and a high pain thresh hold.

    And since I'm such a lazy bugger, I have always found the very easiest ways to do everything. LOL I have every kitchen gadget known to man and an extreme sense of curiosity and adventure. I cook meals with the next 2 meals in mind. Lots of little tricks I've learned over the years, when I used to work 60 hours a week. lol

    The doc says it is a good clean non-displaced break and should heal well. He also said I have beautiful bones for a 61 year old woman (blushes). I'm pretty sure it's from all the kale and greens I eat and not drinking milk. :)

  14. That recipe is one of my faves too Susan, is such a great bbq food--no mess. I also like a HUngarian potato recipe I have made for years, where you slice potatoes into a dish, sprinkle with rosemary and pepper and salt, and drizzle with olive oil. Cover with foil (or a lid) and bake until the potatoes are done. The bottom layer gets crusty, which I LOVE.

    I may never bathe again.
