Thursday, January 9, 2014

Just when you thought it was safe to go outside...

SURPRISE !!!!   Yup--more snow.  Sigh...and it really is this color out there. And it's dreary and it's cold and it's going to add another layer to the road travel fun by dumping some freezing rain on us too.

  I had hoped to get out a little today, but it ain't happening.  The Irishman says the road (last night) is still as bad as ever, and you can't tell that they've even done anything out there.  The boy came home yesterday after a foray into town and said that though the main roads are good, 3/4 of Detour (our road) is still iced over and at some places is only open 1 car width.  If you meet somebody on the road, one of you will have to back up enough to get off the road somewhere.  

  Well then.  I stopped writing at around 2:30 PM and went back to the bedroom to do something and was suddenly overcome with a fatigue so great I lay down on the bed and fell immediately asleep. LOL   I slept until 5 o'clock and then only woke up because my phone went off.  And I had me some tremulous dreams...the Irishman, (who, btw, looked like Matthew McConaghey) was working out, some kind of crazy routine that was taking him all over the place. I could never catch up to him. When I finally did, it dawned on me that he was getting fit so that he could run away from me. (?? Dream Reasoning?). I was very sad, and he yelled at me to go in the bathroom and bring out his contacts. (He doesn't wear glasses or contacts).  I said-that makes no sense, what are you doing?  And it just kept getting crazier from there. He brother came in the house and told me I needed to let him go, that he had important things to do.  I said--what kind of things? and he said -secret things.  I said, I don't want him doing secret things, and he told me it was out of my hands. That I needed to stay back and out of the way. Of course, I refused to do any such thing. And we had 2 young kids, and I kept thinking, he can't leave me with these kids, I'll leave him first. And I kept crying and asking him why he was doing this, and he got a very kind look on his face and said what? Why am I doing what ?

  And then the phone woke me up.  I felt very discombobulated for about an hour after I got out of bed. Very strange...

  And the exciting news of the day is:

My Vitamix arrived today !!!!!!!!    The poor UPS man could barely get his truck up our driveway.  This baby is a thing of beauty...the cookbook that came with it is an elegant publication, on thick glossy paper, hardback...I haven't used it yet, but first thing tomorrow morning, I'm gonna fire that mother up ! Smoothies for breakfast!  I'm giddy as all get out. The Irishman is very impressed with it...the weight of it, the size of the motor, the 7 year warranty.  He grinned and said, hey--I did good !   lol

The cold seems to be hit the low 30's today. It isn't raining (yet) and so maybe I can get out tomorrow. I do need to pick up a few groceries...mostly fresh greens and such. And Aldi's is now carrying a bunch of organic produce, so I'll check them out too. I'll definitely be getting some pineapples and bananas and avocados from them. My honey said the roads were better this evening coming home, so...maybe I can get out.  We'll see.'s midnight and I am winding down. A few more things to do and then I'll be hitting the hay. It's been a long day here on Honeysuckle Hill...time for rest...



  1. Wow, you speak of many things of beauty, I now have a visual of the Irishman! I grew up in the Great Lakes snow belt never owning snow tires, I took an occasional slide off the road in stride. I'm off to get estimates in the morning, I have a new used car that is rotten in snow!

  2. Morning, Carol...for all my whining sometimes, I know that I am especially blessed with much beauty in my life and in my world. We don't normally get as much snow all winter as we have the past couple of weeks. My best car I ever had in the snow was a little old used Honda CRX..that baby would plow through anything and even though it was low to the ground, it barreled through everything.

  3. I love my Vita Mix and use it daily. Every morning a fruit drink - today's mixture - blueberries & peaches from the freezer, fresh pineapple, banana, OJ, milk, and protein powder. I couldn't live w/o it when canning tomatoes. I wash them, cut out any bad spots and core and throw rest into blender and let it rip. For spaghetti sauce, soup or homemead "V-8" juice, veggies go in w/ tomatoes. All pulverized! I've had mine about eight years and it's still going strong. Enjoy!

    Note: I stumbled across your blog today and couldn't not add my $.02 on the Vita Mix.


  4. Thanks Dee--I just made my first smoothie in it and am amazed !! lol Carrot, celery, orange, lemon, apple, and dried swiss chard...SO good !

    Thanks for stopping by !!

  5. It is pouring down rain here this afternoon. Making a big mess with all of that snow.

    The Vitamix sounds great! Enjoy!

  6. I've always lusted after a Vitamix, but it is out of my price range. I will just have to enjoy yours vicariously. As much as I do like winter, the greyness does get to me by February. I have a nice big stack of seed catalogs to go through - that should brighten things up! How interesting our dreams are, no?

  7. Beth--same here. Yucky mess, you're right.

    I just made my first smoothie with it--apple, carrot, celery, orange, lemon and swiss chard. It's a blending beast!~! lol

  8. too. The only reason we were able to do it was the 5 payment EZ pay. lol

    I usually do okay in the dreary weather...after all, I lived in the Pacific Northwest for 20 years. But the past couple of years, it's getting to me.

    Lots of seed catalogs coming in--that DOES help !!

  9. Hope you have a good wood stove, and all stocked up with lots of wood close to the door. I would be a frozen mess. Our days have been warm and bright, mid 70's, not really like winter at all. Great for the spirits, not so great for the trees. All the farmers here are watering their orchards. In January! Your vitamix sounds heavenly. Nice to talk to you!

  10. Oh Lori--so GOOD to see you, honey! I know what you mean about the trees. This is the coldest winter here in about 20 years. It messes up the trees when the winter isn't right.

    I do not have a woodstove...YET. It's on my list. But we have plenty of heat, and the power didn't go out once. YAY! And my Vitamix IS heavenly. lol

  11. I am jealous! What an awesome birthday gift to yourself!! Whoohoo!! ENJOY!!! And happy very belated birthday. :):)
