Sunday, December 29, 2013

After a brief respite, winter has returned...

 And I'm telling is COLD out there.   A frigid 26 degrees with wind howling like crazy.

 These are the kind of days when our ancestors huddled up in the back of the cave with the fires burning hot, hoping they could survive yet another winter.  The kind of days where people like me curse having to go out and check on the chickens that they love.  The kind where you thank God you have gas for your heat and a roof over your head. It's grey and dreary and cold as a well diggers...well--you know.   And because we keep our heat around 68 degrees,  sometimes I'm wearing long johns for days at a time.

  I seem to be getting colder easier these days. I know somedays the weather really affects my joints and I feel old man winter in my bones.  Those days I feel  my age and then some.  We just had 2 days in the mid fifties, and that doesn't help either. Seesawing, zigzagging temperatures mess up my internal thermostat.  The contrast between yesterdays sunny beautiful 56 day and today are enough to throw a body into a tailspin.

 I opened a jar of turkey and broth, threw in a couple of handfuls of egg noodles, added some dried onions, carrots, celery and peas and made  a casserole for lunch. It was good old fashioned comfort food, no doubt about it. Hit the spot.  The Irishman is taking the dogs out to the reservoir for a run...first one and then the other.  He always takes Bella first (the youngest) because when he doesn't she sits here and howls and drives me crazy.  Molly just gets bewildered, because she knows SHE'S the Irishman's favorite. lol  When he brings Bella back and takes Molly, Bella is a pain in the butt because she always wants to go, even if she just came back, but at least you can tell her to be quiet and she will. But she'll sit here and squeal and squeak until they return.  Which is also annoying, but not nearly as hard to take as the howling.  lol 

  The chickens are seriously indignant about this change in weather. I need to go look through my produce drawer and see if there are some errant greens I can take out to them. Or maybe I'll cook them some oatmeal--they always like that. I went out to check for eggs (yes-they're laying again, thank goodness) and they all hustled up to the fence clucking angrily. It's not me they're angry at, I know.  But they left the warm shelter of their coop to see what I was bringing out to them, and I had nothing in my hands. (I'll be back in a minute--I'm going to cook some oatmeal for them).


  As gt in the middle there.  The Irishman got home with the last dog when i was getting ready to take the oaties out to the chooks.  He was ready for popcorn and a movie,so we watched the remake of Total Recall with Colin Farrell. The after that, we watched Signs (Mel Gibson) and had supper..a light one, of lunch leftovers.  Now himself is off to bed and I am back at the computer.

 The chooks were delighted with the oaties,  I went inside the run and put them on the ground behind the windbreak. It was cold all day...never getting above 26 and tonight is heading for 10.  I'm sure having something warm in their bellies was a treat. 

  Had a long long phone call with a friend this morning, and it really made me feel better.  We talked and talked about so many things and feelings and astral events going on.  (She's very knowledgeable about all that.)  She soothed my battered spirit...and that's what friends do, isn't it?  And we talked about things that I know, but needed to reminded about.  And we empathized with one another about our age and about life and about how much things are changing on the planet. It was just awesome.'s evening and the cold is setting in and the animals are all in and sleeping about. I guess maybe I'll call it a night soon myself.  There's so much flu and sickness going around in these parts that I need to make sure my immune system is fully functioning and I get enough rest.  I've been not going to bed the past week or so until after 1 AM...and that's just too late. 11:30 is about best.  I talked with my SIL with the brain cancer today, and she is finishing up a week of chemo and feels pretty awful...she rarely complains and sometimes I look at her and I think YOU have nothing to complain about, missy. We talked a bit and laughed a lot and I told her to go back to bed if that's what she felt like.  I hope she did.  We are all going out for my nephew's and my birthday next Sunday...and his wife and daughters birthdays too. We're all around the same time--his and mine are the same day. I think his daughter is the day before and his wife is the day after. Or vice versa.  So, that will be fun...we're going to meet at Cracker Barrel at noon.

  Still haven't put away my Xmas decos. Probably won't until after my birthday next Monday.  Then it'll be time for a massive clean-up.

(Who am I kidding?  It'll be a wonder if I can even get just the decos put away!!!!)

  Love your life. Enjoy the prosperity.



  1. Happy New Year Annie and happy birthday too!!

  2. Thank you's hoping this new year is wonderful for us all !!!!

  3. Another Capricorn! Love it!!! This is the first year in a long time that can't leave the building fast enough. If I thought I could stay up that late, I'd make sure it leaves tomorrow. We're up for some frigid temps, too. I'd rather have the snow, but it's a good reason to stay inside and 'think' about what needs doing... :)

  4. We're colder than you are . . . na-na-nah-nahna! (I just had to get that in!)

    Stay warm, stay healthy, stay happy. One more full day of this year. How can that be? I'm just getting used to writing 2013! (Slow learner.)

  5. Susan~~ I KNEW it !!! lol So, it's not just me ? I think 2014 is gonna be a wild ride !!

    So far today, I've stayed inside and "thunk" myself into a lazy blob of a come. LOL It made it up to 23, but it sure feels colder...

  6. Mama Pea, you will always win. lol

    I know--sometimes it seems like it flew by and other times it was draggin'...

  7. I always feel so sorry for animals - even those that have a barn or something like it because it's so cold. It's going down to -5 tonight with a wind chill of -30. it has to really bad for you because you were in the 50's just a few days ago. At least during that time we only made it up to the 40's - woohoo!

    New blog post when you find time:

  8. I know...we have neighbors that barely care for their animals any time of year and it makes me crazy to think of them. I have one little girl that we call Snowdog...(Caylee) she thrives in this cold weather and I'm constantly fussing at her to get in the house. lol And one cat who has such a thick fur coat that she doesn't mind the cold either. She hangs out in the garage when I can't get her in the house, but she's in here about 75% of the time in winter.

  9. Happy, happy. I hope you still remember me. I am like that extended family that only shows up on holidays! Well, I posted today, who knows I might blossom!

    Love to read you, Carol

  10. CAROL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Of course I remember you--how are you and how are things and oh heck! I'm popping over to your blog to see!! xoxoxoxox
