Thursday, December 19, 2013

6 days til Christmas...

 And I am...lazy. Contentedly so...putzing around not doing much of anything and little bits of everything. Winter.  Hearing about all my pals who are so excited to be coming up on breaks from their jobs and school and all...and I am [jokingly] bummed that I don't get a break too.  Bad news: when you are retired, there's no such thing as a vacation or holiday break.  lol

  Woohoo--UPS just pulled up. Wow. They never get here before 5 PM when I have ordered stuff. It's another Christmas miracle. lol  I ordered some stuff for my brother-and sister-in laws. And my son.  Not a lot of stuff...just a few odds and ends. Books, dvds, cds. Oh.  It was only one of the dvds.  That's weird. lol  The rest will come later today. I did notice when I looked at my order tracker that they had sent one dvd separately for some reason.  Oh well...

  I have been doing nothing but cruising around the old world wide web this morning...haven't even eaten  breakfast yet. I'm going to run into town and buy some gas treatment for my car and some bacon from my little market. Maybe getting out and moving around will get me going.  lol  I have some major errands (not really) to run that I can just do here in town, but tonight I have to go down into the city anyway and pick up a couple of women and take them to a meeting, so I'll just go a little early and do those first.  I might run to another little town about 12 miles from here and see if they have those duck bib overalls for the Irishman. They were in their sale paper for about 20 dollars off, so it would be a good time to get him a new pair. Even then, they're still 50 bucks.  It will be his main gift. He needs a new pair, so...I already got him a nice leather wallet and a dvd he's been wanting,. and that's really about all the shopping we do.   Something to wear, something to read, something he wants and something he needs. Boom. lol

   Need to do some housekeeping. Need to get that little bathroom painted. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe tonight. Who knows. Nothing critical.

  see? This is my problem.  When I weigh the importance of anything I have to do, it comes down to...critical ?   No  ?   Back to lazy.   lol

  I'm telling myself, it's the holidaze.  It's the weather.  It's the season of short daylight.  It's my delicate sensibilities. lol  Nah..just lazy.  Eating too much sugar (after being of it for 5 months).  Eating too much fatty stuff (butter).  Drinking too much caffeine.  Well...Jan 1st (or so,) I shall get back on track, but I'm not fooling myself that it's going to happen until Christmas and New Years are over.  So, I'll just enjoy the ride for now.

  Yesterday I made caramel popcorn and peanuts.  And a big batch of granola. I was going to make some things today, but lazy kicked in and I didn't.  And now it's lunchtime and too late to start anything.  I stayed up too late last night, chatting with a friend I haven't seen in a while. So, I slept a little later than usual and have been about 4 steps behind ever since.  Behind what? you might ask.  Aren't you retired??  LOL  My self imposed schedules, my darling son tells me, are ridiculous. And I should be slowing down a little and enjoying life.  If only he knew. I do, I DO enjoy my life.  I love the householding. I love the animal husbandry. I love the gardening and canning and cooking. And nothing gets in the way of my doing all that stuff anymore. No job, no timeclock, no boss.  Lucky, lucky me.

  A few hours later and I am back from a run to town for bacon and gas treatment for me little acting up car. And since I was out, went ahead and drove down and got the insulated bibs for the Irishman's Christmas. A little misunderstanding, and the bibs that I thought were going to cost 49.99 were 89.99 and I nearly swallowed my tongue.  After some debate with the manager, she knocked another chunk of money off them and we were both happy.  They are better quality than the others, a notch up. And regularly 89 and I got them for 60.  WooHoo.

  I cooked up some bacon and the son and I had sandwiches and talked of ancient civilizations. I got the ribs started for supper and got the kitchen all cleaned up.  I'm rearranging my schedule for today and will not be leaving here until after 6 instead of 4. I don't have to do all that stuff today...tomorrow is open too, after lunch with the girls for a little impromptu Christmas party, if I even go. I'll see how I feel tomorrow.  We have another weather front coming in, this one promising floods and tons of rain (which will melt the remaining snow). It's supposed to start raining around 8 tonight.  We'll see. I can handle rain...

  The bibs are all wrapped and pretty under the little tree. That table is kinda loaded with  stuff already, although a couple of them will be shipped off tomorrow.  That is assuming the rest of the Amazon order comes today like it is supposed to. And that I get them all wrapped and ready. I am going to ship all the Minnesota/Wisconsin stuff off together to one sister and let her distribute them.   That will save me a lot of shipping and postal grief.

  Okay...I might go take a nice leisurely bath. Light some candles, soak in some Epsom Salts and lavender oils.  I'm pretty achy from all this crazy weather and that just sounds like a good idea. Even if it is only 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Ooooo...decadence....

  Happy Thursday, y'all.  Enjoy every last second of it.



  1. I've had a very hard time getting motivated lately, too. Weather, pain, and laziness--yup! Sounds right. ;)

    My schedules are self-imposed, too. And I do enjoy all the things to manage to do--LOL!

    Not long till Christmas, lady!! Stay warm and safe. :)

  2. I can tell there is rain moving in too as every bone in my body is aching tonight.

  3. Rita,
    Glad to know it's not just me. lol I think we are sisters under the skin!

    Merry Christmas!!

  4. Beth--Me too. They are calling for lots of it too...we shall see. My whole yard is still 4 inches deep in snow, even after the 54 degree day we just had.

  5. Enjoying every day of retirement along with you!

    ALOHA to YOU
    from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

  6. When my hubby was still teaching, I used to be a little jealous of his "vacations." Not that he wasn't always working around home during his time off (or at one part-time, extra job or another), but my schedule didn't change or allow me to forget my homemaking job (which I've always loved) and do something completely different.

    You get more done on one of your lazy days than most of us do in a week! And, yes, we all need to remember to ENJOY each and every moment of the day. Night, too. Good sleep is very enjoyable!

  7. Dear Cloudia...such good compamy I have then !! Aloha to you, dear one!

  8. Mama Pea~~

    lol, I know. I told himself once that I feel like the Post Office...neither cold, nor wind, nor dark of night (or flu or exhaustion or holidays)...ever keeps me from my appointed rounds (or dishes or animal care or laundry).

    Have you heard of the Householders Guide to The Universe by Harriet Fasenfest??

  9. (hiding face in shame) even when you are at your laziest, you get more done than I do. I need to do the cleaning today. So what better way to start it then to sit down and visit with bloger friends. See what I mean! By the way, that same storm front is going to dumpo about 10 inches of snow on us. Guess I'd rather have that than flooding at this time of the year.

  10. No, I haven't heard of that book. But I'm ordering it from Mail-A-Book (part of our fantastic library system)right now!

  11. MDCM...not even, sister. I am JUST like you, and I spend way too much time on the computer...stalling. lol We're just getting rain and more rain, but tonights 17 degrees could change everything.

    Stay warm !!!

  12. Mama Pea--you'll love it. I'm getting a real kick out of it, lots of useful and good ideas.
