Tuesday, November 19, 2013

It's later than you think...

November is winding down. Doesn't it seem strange to have Thanksgiving right at the tail end of November this year ??  The weather--dear God the weather. Between 50 and 80 tornadoes reported here (Illinois) 2 days ago.  Anyway, it was crazy. I was home until the winds seemed to be abating...it got greenish yellow black on the north side of the house and the wind came in like the furies from hell. It was scary...and then it was gone. Slowly the sky would alternately clear up and then cloud over and finally it was sunny. I drove to Alton and saw lots of branches down between here and there, and garbage cans rolling through the countryside, and even a twisted up and destroyed trampoline in  a cornfield.  The damage was all far to the north of us and well...you know.  Even my friends from Australia saw it on their news. Crazy.

  Have a friend coming by early tomorrow to have coffee and chat. My house is a wreck.  Hers never is  and I am loathe to have her come, but I already said yes.  lol  Not that she will care, but I care.  (I know you know what I mean...)  I didn't have time to do any kind of householding today...was out of here at 10 AM to lunch with my niece and sister-in-law, and went from there straight to the office to volunteer a 4 hour shift. Rushed home from there to get here and make supper for the Irishman...a simple supper of chili/cheese and onion omelets and toast. (Since I had made a pot of chili yesterday).  I swept the wood floors and took the glass off the dining room chandelier (dust bunnies hanging from it--Criminey!!  Where does all this dust come from ????)  and washed them and put them back up.  Vacuumed the furnace filter (because it was time). Cleaned the dining room table and put a new clean tablecloth and napkins on it. Dusted.  Early in the morning I will vacuum the floors and furniture and then that's all I'll be able to get done probably. She's coming at like 9 o'clock. I'm going to have coffee and some muffins in the oven. I'll distract her with food.  LOL

  Tomorrow afternoon I will be waiting for a furniture delivery for my neighbors...the company called me today and said between 1 and 5.  

  I can hear the Barred Owls out there going crazy tonight. We have a LOT of owls around here, and they call to each other across great distances.  Drives the chickens and the cats crazy.  Thought I heard a cat wanting in, but not hearing it now.  2 of the 4 cats are in the house already.  The big Russian Blue, PoPo is doing better with his ruptured eardrum. The antibiotics are all gone, and I think tomorrow I will call the vet about getting more. He is walking with his head cocked at a goofy angle almost all the time...I think maybe it relives the pressure or something. He is clumsy and off balance, and I expect he will be until that eardrum heals. I promise you, he is milking all the extra affection and cat treats for all he's worth.

  Thursday I'll be picking up the woman who's going to help me clean and then Friday I am going to meet my old neighbor for lunch and see her new house.  I think the move has been really hard on them after all, so I shall go and spread a little pixie dust...and hold her hand and pray that things will get a little easier soon. 

  I'm sleepy now, so off to bed I go.  6 AM comes a might early and I will need every minute I can get to make myself and my house presentable.  Wish me luck.   :)



  1. I mean, when would you have TIME to clean? Good lord! What a schedule you have! I figure my company comes to see me, and not how much dust is on the surfaces.

  2. So happy your house/area escaped the brunt of that storm. The devastation in some areas was horrific.

  3. Ah, dear Cloudia...we have tons of fall color here !

  4. You're right, Susan...they don't come to look at my house...but I'm psychotic about this place when people are coming...I don't know...but I'm better than I used to be. LOL

  5. MDCM...it was horrific. I am so sorry for people in some of those areas. In the late 50's (I think ) this little town I live near was almost wiped off the map. But the Lutherans rebuilt it. lol A twister took out the whole of Main Street...

  6. I've been catching up on all your posts in November but I didn't see how PoPo ruptured his eardrum? OMG! That sounds painful! I hope he's all better by now and not listing when he walks.

    So very glad you and yours were okay with all the tornadoes down there!! So sad to see all the damage.
