Sunday, October 6, 2013

A Perfect Sunday In Autumn

  Today feels, really and truly, like fall.  I woke up to a 50 degree morning, and that was after sleeping til almost 9 AM.  It's presently (3 PM)  about 65 degrees. And getting down to 43 tonight.  It's been partly cloudy mostly today and breezy. You know I had to open all the windows today.  It got almost cold in here, people !  67 last time I looked and  I had to close the windows. lol  AND put on a sweatshirt (because I'm sure as HELL not turning on the furnace yet).   This is the little basket I gussied up for the table, it has 2 little pie pumpkins in it and fall foliage.  It's a grapevine basket. 

  My sister-in-law came for lunch today, as she was about 15 miles from here at her son's to spend the morning with the grand kids.  The timing was perfect, as I have a loaf of  persimmon bread I made for her, and 6 cups of individually bagged persimmon pulp (each one the amount called for in her momma's persimmon cookie recipe).  And she was a lot closer than me driving from here to where she lives, about 50 minutes away.  So...she came for lunch ! Hooray!

  I love visiting with her and she brought me some goodies...some pumpkin spice scented hand soap from Bath and Body, and almost 2 full bags of Stevia in the Raw (one not opened yet) because they don't care for it.  Woo Hoo !!  It was like Christmas.  lol

  I made a Trouchia (chard and onion omelet, sort of)  and a massaged kale salad  (both fresh from the garden, both amazing healthy foods) and we sliced some of my persimmon bread to have on the side.  It was the perfect lunch. She's one of my biggest food fans (bless her) and we always have a good time together.  Today was no exception.


   Yesterday was another amazing day ...I spent the morning and lunch with a friend and we hit the Saturday buffet at the favorite Indian place, Mr. Curry's.  I got home with a little time to spare, before heading out again for a gathering of women a few miles from here. Himself went to a chili feed  and actually got home after I did...and I didn't get home until almost 11 PM.  LOL   Too late for us old people to be out.  But I had a wonderful time, and was reminded again how much I need the company of women.  We had a great time, I met some women I hadn't known before, and reconnected with a couple I did.  

 So..if you're doing the math is the 2nd day in a row that I have done nothing much but play. It's been AWESOME.

  Things are pretty quiet here now. I'm fixing a cup of tea, gonna curl up with a book (reading the second book of the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy--The Girl Who Played With Fire, by Stieg Larsson).  It's a nice cuppa tea day...

  Supper will be leftovers, navy bean soup, I'm thinking. Tomorrow morning, first thing, I'll be back hard at it...pickling beets, doing laundry, straightening the house.  But, for today, I am taking a well deserved rest. 

  I hope you are all having a restful Sunday...



  1. I went for a hike today, it was simply wonderful. I loved all the Dragon Tattoo books, I hope you do, too. It was beautiful here today but supposed to be rainy tomorrow. Your special days playing sound awesome! :-)

  2. The Irishman went for a hike today too...very cool here all day, didn't hit 65. Very cool tonight--down in the 40's and maybe some rain.

    I loved the first book. I'm loving this one. I watched the Swedish version of the movies and it was quite different from the American one.

    It's been a really good day.

  3. Play on, dear pal!

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral
    =^..^= <3
