Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The best laid plans ...

 Okay.  so the plan was, I would begin my Wednesday of food preservation really early this morning. Get a few things done. Then interrupt it about 10:30 and get showered and dressed and go meet a woman struggling to get her sobriety and her life back, and go to a meeting at noon.

 Right.  I didn't even get out of bed this morning until almost 8:30. I was so tired yesterday that, even though I needed a nap and didn't take one, I was sacked out by 11:30 last night. That's early for me, although I have been trying to rewire my sleeping habits, and go to bed by 12:30 instead of 2.  Still...I got up finally and thank goodness the boy had been up early and put the chickens out.  I had breakfast by 9 and even made some coffee. Had a hard time shaking the sleep from my brain. I came in here and got on Facebook with my breakfast, and subsequently with my coffee and didn't do a damn thing about preserving any food.  sigh...

  While I was in the shower, the woman called and is waiting at a counselling office for an assessment and isn't going to make it. Of course, I'm all shiny and clean and dressed.  AND, I called my sister, who lives down there too (down there being a 30 minute trip one way) and said I would drop by and see her later this afternoon when I was all finished.  She was excited about my visit, and has her new grandson...and I do want to see I can't really just cancel the trip.  I need to pay the water bill (which is on the way down there) and I need to go to the market for a couple of things. Consequently...nothing's getting done today, unless I get in there right now (in my clean clothes) and start that tomato and edamame mess.  Which, as you can see, isn't going to happen, because I've found yet another way to distract myself by blogging instead.

  I'm hopeless.  I'm a prisoner of my lists and plans (not really so much) and blah, blah, blah.

The temps have retreated into the mid to high 80's around these parts.  It's pleasant.  It's actually only 77 right now and it's almost noon.  They've predicted? forecast?  87 for a high today, but there's not that much time left. Still no rain. Nary a drop. I need to get out there and water this evening I guess. At least the new beans and the beets. I think I have reached that apex of apathy where the garden is concerned.  I'm tired of canning and drying and freezing. I'm tired of watering. I've completely stopped weeding, except for the stuff I pull up deliberately to feed the chickens.  But, I tell myself, it IS September and the stuff is winding down. Sort of. lol

  I'm going to Aldi's to buy myself a present today. They have a cast iron griddle which fits over your stove burners that I want. I've wanted one for a long time, just not enough to shell out 30 dollars for one (thrifty bitch). Ahem.  But this one is half that, and if it seems like a decent heavy one, I'm buying it. They  have some nice fruits on sale- nectarines, plums and cantaloupes and apples- so I'll pick up some of those.  I also need lemon juice, as I'm going through tons of it canning and making flavored water drinks for the Irishman. I drink it a little, but lemon water makes me pee like a racehorse for some reason, and I have enough problems with THAT.  I basically stick with local spring water, which hydrates me nicely. I save my vinegar jugs for use as water jugs--much heavier and better than the old gallon milk jugs that I used to beg people to save for me, since we don't drink milk, and certainly NEVER gallons of it. lol  Since I started using so much vinegar (pickling, fabric softener, cleaning products) I buy it by the case from Pappy's Market and have lots of bottles. Win/Win.

  Well...time for me to eat a snack. Probably sliced turkey from the breasts I cooked and sliced and froze with some cucumber spears. I am down 14 pounds.  It's not hard eating according to this plan, except on Wed/Thurs. This is the day that's most like the Atkins diet and I hate it. Too much protein. But at least I can eat all the (certain) vegetables I can stuff in my gullet.  lol  Mostly no tomatoes or sweet potatoes, and I love both of those. But any and all greens, green beans, mushrooms, peppers, onions,'s not SO depriving.  It just kinda feels like it.  LOL  14 pounds in 2 months is a very reasonable weight loss.  Right ?

  Time to get a move on, change myself to fit the new plans and write a check to the water company. Believe me, after 5 years of having to haul water, I don't resent this particular bill ONE BIT.  On the other hand, my car insurance just went up over 18 dollars a month, and I am calling them to find out why.  The letter said ..."after a policy review..."  WTH ?  Moneychangers.

  Enjoy the beautiful weather--assuming you're having some.  I'm going to...



  1. Now your day sounds more like mine. I start out with a list, but then get way laid along the way. Guess I enjoy the way laid part more than the work. I'm trying to send you some cool weather - it's almost chilly up here.

  2. We have such noble and lofty plans, don't we? Notice I include myself in this. I had the same big plans (according to my list) this morning. None of which got done. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who can refuse to focus and be easily distracted. Hope you had a nice visit with your sister - whatever you do, the garden will still be there....

  3. I'm not a list maker, and after reading this, I'm kinda glad, since I would be feeling out of sorts, too. Congratulations on the weight loss, and I do hope you can find some time to take care of that important person: YOU! :-)

  4. Include me on the lists that go awry--

    Annie if you do get that griddle, would you post a pic of it so I can see about getting something like that here? I have powerful gas burners and griddle veg in season, but my griddle is enamelled cast-iron and very small.

    A big hug to you -- spring just beginning here and I am reconnecting with the overgrown or lifeless parts of the garden!

  5. Annie, you can't say you're not getting anything done! You're always there for people who need you and that's one of the most important things you can do. Sometimes what we do for someone else can seem very small and insignificant to us, but can be nearly life changing to the other person.

    I find that sitting down and blogging (or journaling) when life is just too crazy busy and the list is way too long helps quiet and center me. (Plus, having posts from you is so good for the rest of us!)

    I'd say a 14 lb. weight loss in 2 months is SUPER. The kinda loss that will stay off!

    Loved your phrase "apex of apathy" concerning your feelings about the garden. Exactly! It's just the way I feel. I think back to feeling the exact opposite (so full of enthusiasm and energy) only a month or so back and wonder what's wrong with me. Maybe just simply too much to do in too short a time span, eh? Wouldn't it be nice if harvest could be spread out evenly over, say, a three month period? HA!

  6. I've been catching up on your last couple months. Hope your foot will be better without surgery. The food poisoning sounded dreadful! I hope the cast iron griddle was decent enough to buy for a great deal. And I am so impressed with your new diet! Congrats!! Sounds hard to do, but so worth it. I might have to get that book and cookbook. ;)
    I hope you had a wonderful visit. :):)
