Saturday, August 17, 2013

Peaches, peaches and more peaches...with a little turtle porn thrown in...

It started out like this...

But then it turned into this:

Peach pie filling.  7 quarts of it.   I also canned peach salsa (10 jars)  and plain old sliced peaches (14 jars)  in a light syrup. 

  I still have 1 peck left to do, but I've decided to just freeze them, because I'm sick and tired of the canner mess right now.  lol

 The peaches are gorgeous this year.  Lucky us.

 I'm pooped. I was so tired last night that I slept until almost 9 o'clock this morning. Standing at the sink peeling and slicing those peaches is really hard on me, but there's no way around it. They are so messy, you can't do it anywhere else. I have a tall stool, and I sit on it now and again, but it's bad too, just in a different way, lol.

  I've also dried Roma tomatoes, okra and cucumbers since I was here last.  And there are green beans ready to can and to pick...and oh my !!  Too much !! Too Much !!  lol (And all at once, which is the worst part.)  And it all just wears me out. 

  On a bright note, my darling son got my old riding mower repaired and back in service today.  Woo Hoo.  And it only cost a new battery (that he bought) and one new tire (that I bought).  I'm blessed.  NO more having to walk around behind that push mower. Even with the self-propelled thing, it was an ordeal for me. Of course you can't get everything with the rider, but you can sure get a lot done  in a short time.  And the weedeater might take care of the rest.

  We have an AA annual picnic tomorrow...haven't decided if I'm going or not, as I can't eat most of the stuff there.  Either way, I have to make a dish for the Irishman to take...maybe a dessert?  Or a pasta salad or something.  I don't know...but I guess I'd better figure it out as I only have tomorrow morning to do it in. lol  The local District provides the meat (bbq) and drinks and everyone brings a dish. I usually have a good time there, but I am just really nor in the mood this year. Maybe I'll feel different in the morning...

Alright. I know some of you are saying --where's the PORN ?? I came here for the PORN !!

  This was in our backyard today...

  Can you just see her rolling here eyes, and saying ..."WHAT are you doing ?? Get off me!"

  Alrighty...time for bed....



  1. Bounteous Post!

    Turtle-nastics :-)


  2. Wow, that's a LOT of peaches. I'll bet you are tired, and congratulations on getting that riding mower fixed, Annie! :-)

  3. How could anyone resist? Peaches and porn ... thank you for starting my Sunday off juuuust right... :))

  4. Loved your porn. Hopefully you are finding some time to relax today since it is Sunday. You certainly have been working hard - but you do that every day.

  5. Sure do envy you for all those luscious peaches! (Also know too much of a good thing can be a real hassle . . . and very tiring!) 'Tis the season when everything needs to be done NOW. But this, too, will pass and how nice to have a full pantry for winter! The fruits of our labor . . . literally.

  6. In a perfect world, every fruit and vegetable would ripen at a different time! Poor turtles. It looks so darn awkward and unnatural! Hope you have recovered from all your canning.
