Saturday, July 13, 2013

This week has flown by...

  ...and I'm dancing as fast as I can.  And trying not to stumble.

   I can't even tell you what's been happening that made things go whizzing by.  oh, wait.  Yes--it's garden season.  Even more to the point it's green bean season. I've been picking and canning and picking some more. And mulching.  And staking. And washing jars and buying lids and sitting with my neighbor and oh my...the list just goes on and on.

 And Friday I went to the DPM/foot surgeon.  He told me I have a bad case of Haglunds deformity and that there is a bone spur which has grown into the Achilles tendon. I liked him a lot.  Well, except the part where he was telling me I was deformed.  Seems that this issue has been developing for a long time and the stress of the knees finally pushed it to the point it is at now.  And it is horrifically inflamed and so he put me on a z-pak like dosage of a prednisone that I take for 5 days. I still have to take 2 more of them before bed tonight. They are making me sick at my stomach, naturally. I am taking them with food every time.  The day after I finish this stuff, I start in on an anti-inflammatory that I take for a month.  He is hoping to get rid of the pain. He says that the big lump on the back of my heel will not go away without surgery, and he is really hoping to resolve this problem (the pain) without having to do any surgery.  So, I guess my days as a foot model are over. I must say, it seems to have relieved the pain a little already. Not gone by any means, but...maybe a little less excruciating.

  I just heard the results of the murder trial in Florida. I am heartsick. George Zimmerman is walking away scott free. The family of Trayvon Martin must be beside themselves. Is there no justice in that state at all ?  Of course I am thinking of Caylee Anthony and numerous other travesties that have made the headlines in their judicial system.  My first thought is that innocent children have no rights in Florida. And I know that probably isn't fair...but it's just how I feel right now. I am flummoxed by the whole thing.

So...the rain keeps missing us, the dirt is still damp though, if you stick your finger down an inch or so. There are green tomatoes everywhere, green beans that appear magically EVERY SINGLE DAY, no matter how well they were picked the day before. Flowers on the edamame. Red potatoes, white potatoes, fingerling potatoes and sweet potatoes EVERYWHERE.  The squash is putting on a magnificent display of flowers and making small butternuts.  A few small yellow squash too.  Radishes, lettuces, spinach and chard and kale...crazy!  Cucumbers climbing up a tomato trellis, loaded with flowers. We've been eating snow peas for a week and there are tons.  Blueberries to eat almost every day...way more than I expected from such new plants. I even picked a few ripe blackberries the past couple of days and ate them immediately. Mostly the blackberries are nowhere near ripe--still too early. Peach tree is loaded. Apple tree--not so much this year. Big storm knocked all the flowers off. It does  have a few apples...

 I have canned a couple of batches of green beans and have another 10 pounds in there ready to go. I picked another half peck this evening.  The Irishman made a fire tonight in the little portable fire pit and we sat in the dark and watched the flames, and roasted marshmallows and talked.  It was really pleasant and relaxing and a nice cool night. We did finally have a serious cool-down--the nights have been in the high 60's and the days only in the mid to high eighties. It has been heavenly, even though it's weird weather for us at this time of year. We'll take it.  lol

 I am tired. I did the every other day dog hair removal, and had to take the furnace filter off and vacuum it too. I did a few other things so that I wouldn't have so much to do tomorrow.  I washed and replaced the loveseat slipcovers. I made dinner for my son and husband and myself...we finally had the birthday dinner. lol Porterhouse steaks, baked sweet potatoes and corn on the cob. The steaks were huge and oh-so-good. Before I started cooking, himself and I sat on the couch with the big giant bag of green beans and snapped and trimmed them while watching The Truth About Cats and Dogs, with Janeane Garofalo. He spent the early part of the morning mowing and the yard looks terrific (and I didn't have to try to do it).  All's well in my world.

  Okay. I need to get something to eat and take those last 2 pills for today. Yuck. You know how I hate taking pills and medicine of most any kind. This is a deal for me...but I am trying to be disciplined and grown up and stuff about it.  lol goes nothing.  Keep dancing, y'all...



  1. I do hope you can get the pain under control and avoid surgery, but I don't envy you taking the medications. This doctor sounds way better than the previous one, and I wondered if you told him how much you do every day! Your garden sounds incredible! And like a lot of work. MIne is so much less and I spend more time that I'd like out there. :-)

  2. I hope the med for the pain works Annie! I would love to be in the midst of all of those tomatoes. BLT. I wish I could have one.

  3. Sounds like you finally found someone who can help with the pain. Good news! I wish my garden sounded half as good as yours - although I am up to my elbows in green/yellow beans, too. What a nice predicament!

  4. Annie, you wear me out and blow me away with your can-do attitude. Wishing you relief from the pain and a bountiful harvest!!
