Monday, May 20, 2013

What time is it--and where's my coffee ?

It's a glorious rainy morning out there.  A little thundery, but nothing like they threatened us with. Yet.  I always get a kick out of the graphics they use on the weather channel's alerts...looks like all hell has broken loose and it's the beginning of the end. lol

This is a picture of my chives in flower.  My irises are finally blooming too, about a week behind every one elses. That's okay. Just reiterates that I live out here in the Land that Time Forgot.  My neighbor always says she can't ever grow chives and I tell her I planted them once-5 years ago. I love that kind of gardening. I'm getting a little anxious that my anise hyssop doesn't seem to be coming back from last year (it always has, for 4 years) and am worried that I harvested too much too late of the flowers and leaves. It makes such a comforting wonderful tea...we shall see. I can always (I hope) plant a new one.

  The Shasta daises in the backyard are all looking really great...blooming patches here and there, and one gigantic patch in various stages of bloom and bud.

I adore spring.

Last night (after a weekend of serious garden work) I was so exhausted that I couldn't keep my eyes open one second longer last night around 9:30.  I zombie walked through the living room and asked the Irishman to please feed my fish, I had to go to bed.  He said--you all right ?  I mumbled something and kept going. I slept straight through until 6:30 this morning when I was awakened by not one, but 2 (one in each leg) muscle cramps in my legs. I get these every now and then, but I don't think it's ever happened in first one leg, and then the other 15 minutes later.  I wake up howling-they hurt so bad. And then the muscle is sore all day.  I put bananas and tonic water on my list for today.  Oy vey...

  This weekend I got a lot done, but there's still a lot more to go. I planted an entire 30 foot bed of green beans.  I planted 14 rows of Edamame and about 5 short rows of Siberian Kale. I will plant more kale in late summer for a nice fall and winter crop. I planted more sage (not sure why I bought it? I have a beautiful sage that came back up this year, and quite a bit dried in the cupboard from last year.)  I planted Jalapenos, Bronze Mignonette and Red Romaine lettuce. I planted French Breakfast Radishes.  I planted Spinach and Chard.  I planted about 12 Cucumber plants.  The Irishman finished the bed for the sweet potatoes last night, so I can plant those anytime. The tomatoes are still not in, and the seedlings are barely hanging in there.  The bed for the bell peppers isn't ready and neither is the bed for the squash, and those seedlings seem to be doing okay. Barely. Hopefully next weekend we will get everything finished up.  Late late late.  I am reminded of Alice in Wonderland. Was it the  Dormouse ?  Late late late.  lol

Well, guess I should get some breakfast and maybe get moving. Clomp around on these stubby crampy legs and work out some of the soreness. I am afraid that I have a stress fracture in my heel (right leg) and will see the dr on Wednesday and see about an xray.  One more  I'm starting to look at all this physical health stuff as quite an adventure.  Sort of.

 Have a Monday of your choice. Tornadoes in Kansas and Oklahoma. More water here. Yesterday was 90 and today, even with the rain, is supposed to be 85.  Does this mean spring is over ?



  1. Envious of the huge amount you got done in the garden, Wonder Woman. We're in the midst of a very rainy spell (got 2" overnight) and it will take the gardens a bit of time to dry enough for planting now. But the rain is welcomed because we've had high forest fire danger. Not any more, thankfully. Have a great week.

  2. I know what you mean, Mama Pea. Some of our beds are still pretty wet too...but I planted anyway. The temps down here have been in the high 80's and low 90's already for a week or so. The top of the dirt is [pretty dry, but once you stick your fingers down in it, it's good and moist.
    I hope your week is stupendous.

  3. Your garden is really shaping up!! I will be down to see you when the tomatoes get ripe.


  4. I hope you get those leg cramps taken care of. One in each leg makes me think it's some dietary thing going on. But maybe it's just because you were working so hard in the hot sun. Dehydration will give me cramps.

  5. Beth--that would be wonderful. Or I can even bring some up iof that's easier. I'd love to have you for a visit too!

  6. Djan...Probably a combination. lol I do drink a LOT of water, and that leads me to suspect a potassium deficiency. I think it's kind of a 50-50 thing...a doc told me once that when you drink tons of water, it alos dilutes and removes certain water soluble vitamins and minerals from your system. You can't win. lol I've been getting them randomly about the last 10 years. Not life and death stuff...just "stop waking me up when I finally get to sleep !!!" stuff. lol

  7. Ouch! Leg cramps in one leg is bad enough! I'm not surprised - what a lot you got done this weekend. I wish I had room for edamame, as I love them.

  8. Yes, bananas full of magnesium for calf cramps.

    Love the images of your garden, those lovely chives. I have those and the white-flowering taller garlic or Chinese chives.

    You are doing so much planting, a staggering amount of work. Magnificent stuff.

  9. Louisey...I know that bananas are full of potassium which eases cramping. Magnesium too? Awesome.

    I was out there this morning, and the monsoon type weather we are having (massive rains combined with 85 degrees) have already had my lettuces, radises and kale sprouting. The green beans are peeking up through the dirt too.

  10. Susan--thanks for coming by...we traded out corn for edamame, since corn is everywhere around these parts and easy to get (and we don't eat that much of it). Corn takes up a lot of space, and we figure we get more bang for our buck, so to speak, by planting a protein rich food.

    You probably do more in a day than I do in a week, girl. lol I've started drinking tonic water too for the leg cramps, and that helps.

  11. I feel like such a slacker reading your posts...sigh. Hey--Hyland's makes a pretty good homeopathic remedy for leg cramps; around here it's sold in drugstores and grocery stores.

  12. Hylands ? I'll see if I can find some. Thanks Ashling...and there's nothing about you that's a slacker, sister. lol

  13. Spring seems to have turned into summer quickly, but your place is blooming and looking great. I hope your foot is okay?
    Love and hugs! :)

  14. Don't know yet, Rita...going today to have it xrayed...

    If it's not one thing, it's another. lol

    Everything here is so lush and's amazing how fast it happens. Even the wisteria on the arbor that I mercilessly choped and pruned and thought I had killed--overnight, it sprang into leafiness !
    Miracles of spring. xoxoxox
