Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mothers Day 2013

 A picture of my bouncing baby boy and me. This must have been about 1973.  He was  2 here.   I think it was around Mothers Day too...I was working for a photographer (I was 20)  and he took the photo so I could blow it up to a  16x 20 print and frame it for my mom for either her birthday or Mothers Day.  Her birthday was May 5th, so it could have been either one. Or both. 

  It's Mothers day. My son and husband took me out for breakfast this morning and we had nice food and a good time. Lots of laughing and love at our table.  My son gave me a really beautiful card.  We stopped at the Farm Store on the way home, and my husband bought me 2 new lawn chairs, nice ones, that fold. I sit-tested one for about 20 minutes in the store, while we waited for a sales person to come and tell us how much they were.  I have a hard time finding chairs that are comfortable for me to sit in, with all my back and pelvic problems.  So this was a find, and the prices were reasonable. We also picked up dog food and cookies.  Now we're back home. The Irishman and I worked out the schematic for this year's garden, figured out what we need to get still, and he is now out digging in the beds. I really would rather he mowed, but he's not going to.  Maybe I will mow tomorrow and maybe I won't...have to see how I feel.


  Last nights supper was great. One person cancelled and 2 came and my son came over as well. The Irishman found his way home after being gone all day. So it turned out good,  and all of the kabobs got eaten. I made about 25 assorted kabobs...teriyaki marinated strip steak with veggies,  mustard rosemary marinated chicken breast with veggies.  Garlic and olive oil marinated shrimp with bell peppers and pineapple. 2 each of just chicken and steak.  I made a basmati rice with crimini mushrooms and ginger and scallions.  And I made a huge salad  in my Bobby Flay bowl I got for my birthday. It's a thing of beauty, made of wood and frightfully expensive. (I would never in a million years have bought know.  The Irishman was terribly proud of himself, so I swallowed my horror at the 70 dollar pricetag and never said a word [out loud].  But really.  What was he thinking ???)  lol   Anyway. I made a strawberry trifle that none of us could eat because we were too full.  After the company left, himself and I did manage to get down a serving of it each. lol  I made fresh lemonade, prettied up with violet and dandelion flowers.  They stayed for about 4 hours and we visited and laughed and had a great time.

  Well, mostly great. By the time it was all said and done, I could barely walk. My legs and back hurt so bad from being on my feet cooking all day plus all the housecleaning I did.  I had to take a half a muscle relaxer before bed because I was having back spasms pretty bad.  It's better today, but not so much better that I am going to get out there and mow. Gonna take it easy the rest of today and recuperate a little. We'll see how tomorrow looks. 

 The weather took a nose dive and last night was about 38 degrees. Today is up to 57, but it's windy and feels cool. The next few days the temps are heading back up to the 70's and so far, no rain in the forecast. Praying it stays that way.  I can finally start putting some things in the ground.  Tomorrow.

  I hope you are all having a happy day, mothers or not.  I'm thinking seriously about a nap. And a book.  Or maybe a movie...Tomorrow I have to call and see if the sweet potatoes are in at the little nursery. If not, or if they don't have Beauregards, I found some at the Farm Store this morning, and I'll just go over and buy them. They're more expensive, and I'd rather buy from the local nursery lady, but I MUST have that particular kind of sweet potato. So there you have it.  Either one, I have to drive about 30 miles to get.  It'll be what it'll be.

  Off to invest in  my relaxing day.  See ya on the flip side !



  1. Hi - Happy Mother's Day. Your meal last night sounds like it was wonderful. So nice you had a nice lunch today too. I love spending holidays/special days with family. Sounds like you and I have similar problems with our back. I feel for you girl!

  2. Happy Mother's Day Annie! I am glad your guys took you out for breakfast. I suffer from backaches too, even after having back surgery in 2000.


  3. Lovely photo. Great day. Great finds and great gifts. Your Mother's Day was great.

  4. A Bobby Flay bowl! Oh Annie, what can I say? It will outlast Bobby and his celebrity. I was given a supa-plasticised Jamie Oliver/Nigella Lawson pasta scoop that cost so much I could have bought a pasta pot or two for the price. The Great Dane chewed it to bits.

    Love that pic.
