Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Chilly and blustery Tuesday...

  Last years peaches.  Today is one of those days calling for some comfort food.  It rained and stormed all night, and has been raining and thundering all day. It's grey and bleak and  drizzly.  It must have rained pretty good last night--there is water standing in the fields and roads. Enough already.  They say it is supposed to get up to 57 today, but so far (almost 2 PM) it's barely dragged itself to 45.

  I have beans soaking and we're having cornbread and beans for supper.  They have about another 15 minutes to go before I drain and rinse and start them cooking.  Doing a "quick soak"  where you bring them to a boil and then shut 'em off and let 'em sit for an hour.  Because I never plan ahead. sigh...it's the bane of my existence. lol   Since we finished off the coconut pie last night, I thought I'd get some peaches out of the freezer and make a peach crisp.  Because it's easy and I'm lazy.  lol  Plus, it's good. Somehow the oatmeal in the topping lets me delude myself that it's a [sort of] healthy dessert.  Win/Win.  lol

  The  bombing of Boston breaks my heart. There really is nothing you can say about this tragedy...we have been fortunate until lately...there are countries where this kind of thing is a regular occurrence...where people live in fear all the time.  Even  worse is that the dead are children.  Sending love and light to all people everywhere.

  I started seeds yesterday--what a pain in the patootie it was, stuffing those toilet paper rolls with wet straw and then filling the rest with soil. I made a huge mess.  In retrospect...I should have  gotten one of the tables out and made the mess somewhere besides my kitchen island...but in my defense, there are already seed potatoes all over the island, greening up and sprouting so we can get them planted. Since I have an open floor plan here (kitchen/dining room/ living room), and the island is right in the middle of it, it's complete chaos from spring through fall. My canning/freezing/dehydrating makes a mess,  my planting/seed starting/ cooking  makes a mess.  My world is a mess. But it's a generally good mess.  LOL  I do need to at least get my kitchen table cleaned off. That goes a long way...

  The beans are on the stove cooking, full of onions and celery and garlic and carrots. I seem to be out of bay leaves, which I LOVE to cook in my beans.  The next time I'm at the coop I'll get some more in bulk, because I refuse to pay almost 6 dollars for  a small bottle of Durkee bay leaves. In bulk, I can get 10 times that much for the same price. And they are fresher and more aromatic.  So there.  I got 2 bags of peaches out of the freezer, and they are in the sink defrosting.  And I'm eating a granola bar for my lunch.  :)

  I finished the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo original Swedish Trilogy set of movies last night. Wow.  Even the first one, which I saw at the theater, was so much better. Even though I love Daniel Craig. lol  But anyway, now I can get the set back to my cousin who loaned it to me.  Now I need to read the second and third books.  In my spare time.   LOL  I get a little reading done in the summer, but not so much.  

   I just made another trip out to the chicken coop...3 eggs so far today.  Yesterday (or was it the day before??)  I got 6.  Somebody is still breaking and eating eggs every chance they get, and I'm trying to stay on top of it.  I also had to empty my compost bucket...threw  some carrot and celery ends in to the chooks, but most of it was compost material.  So I brought it back in, washed it out good, and it's ready to fill up again.

 Guess I'd better try to get a little something done around this house.  Probably won't vacuum (again) but will clean off the kitchen table and straighten slipcovers, as best I can around the sleeping dogs.  This rainy weather just makes everyone  nappy.  lol

  Happy Tuesday...



  1. Peach cobbler sounds so good!!

    Cold here today too!

  2. Ohhh, Cornbread and beans. Haven't had that combo in years. I should think about baking bean soup one day with cornbread Hungry for that now.Why am I always hungry after reading your post? he he

  3. It sounds like you are feeling much better, even close to being back to your old self. That makes me very happy! :-)

  4. Oh everything sounds delishous at your house ... yummy ...and now I am certain wanting coconut pie, oh who am I kidding I want a taste of everything you mentioned in your food category lol

  5. Annie, I have two bay leaf trees (or bay laurels) in the back garden. One was in a half-barrel for a few years and the other I grew from a twig cutting. Lovely shapely small trees with shining dark green leaves.

    They grow so easily that I'm sure you could get a hedge of them. I bring in a handful of bay leaves each week to hang and dry slightly in the kitchen, and sometimes I just pick them fresh from the tree.

    Those peaches look wonderful, delicious in a cold spring.
