Friday, March 22, 2013

Another Friday and the backyard's on fire...

Yeah, that's right. The fire starter is off work today. (Isn't he handsome ?  Even covered in dogs.) And on his list of chores for the morning is burning up a lot of wood debris that's laying around.  Here's the thing...we have a big pile of wood back there that's been there for months and months and months.  But it is imperative that the debris be burned right now.

  Sigh... you know boys and fire...

    It's a go-slow and do a few chores day for me today.   So, I'll be here and gone and here again, writing this post in bits and bobs as I wind  my way through laundry and vacuuming and making another loaf of bread and trying some thing new with the Irish Soda bread recipe. I'm going to make a batch of it with garlic and rosemary and dried tomato bits in it.  Don't see why not, do you ?  It's such a good bread, and so easy to whip up. We've nearly finished the St Paddy's Day loaf and the artisan bread I made the other day is almost gone as well.  I had another loaf's worth of dough in the fridge, and now it's sitting out on the counter warming up. So, all I really have to do there is bake it. Easy Peasy.

  And now it's in the oven.  The artisan bread, anyway. I'm waiting on the Irishman to bring back buttermilk from the store to do the Soda Bread. And while I waited, I folded another load of laundry, swept down the front porch and sidewalk, vacuumed the master bathroom and  transferred the washer clothes into the dryer and started the last load, which I agitated a bit and then stopped. It's his icky dirty work clothes, and they will wait until he comes in to shower this afternoon so I can get all the yucky clothes cleaned (including the ones he has on) and start anew.

   Still doesn't feel much like spring. It's 36 and headed for 44 today. Tomorrow is 50. Then Sunday we get hit with another snowstorm. All I can say is that we need the precip.   This storm is coming in from Denver and supposed to hit the area pretty hard.  We'll see.

  I'm in a funny kind of mood today.  (Shocked?)  lol  I don't know...we had a great discussion group last night. Learned all kinds of things about our area that I didn't know, or didn't remember. It was pretty cool. I couldn't go to sleep last night and was up until about 2...damn you! green tea. lol  I always forget how much caffeine is in green tea and I drank some in the evening. oops.  I slept til almost 9:30 though, and then got up and made breakfast.  I'm not tired, I'm not depressed. I'm not angry. I'm just kind of mellow, and am taking a great deal of pleasure in my housekeeping routines today.  I haven't been able to do a lot lately and it feels good to get things done and not be in pain all the way through it. I'm doing okay, pacing myself, and doing and sitting and doing and sitting. lol

 I read this interesting article  this morning about women and aging. It was quite good...until I got to the part where she said she was 46. FORTY SIX.   After saying that she saw a picture of herself and said "I am an old woman".   46.   Bite me.   LOL

 Lots of crazy political stuff happening in your congress. Pay attention. I have spent this week making a lot of phone calls and writing letters and sending emails to my senators and representatives. Sometimes I think I want to just live the life of a hermit and pull the covers over my head and really trust that none of this make believe stuff can affect me.  Monsanto rider  just passed through Congress giving them full immunity from ANYTHING.  Ryan and his idiotic slash and grab budget.  Crazy, I tell you.  I really think we should take Warren Buffet's suggestion and pay them minimum wage and see what happens.

  Ok.  I smell bread, which is my cue to leave this chair and head for the kitchen.  Going to see OZ this afternoon at the matinee and then to Sakura's for sushi and bento supper.  We'll be home before 9.  We really know how to rock these Friday date nights, I'm telling you.  lol

  Happy Friday, all.  I'm taking advantage of tomorrow's beautiful weather to go to the opening weekend of the Grafton Flea Market. I'll take my back brace and wear a knee brace and tromp my heart out. lol  Look out bargains--here I come.



  1. Happy Friday to you too Annie! I can smell the bread baking from here.

    Enjoy your Friday night out!!

  2. Oh ymmmm, your bread sure sounds good. I can almost smell it too.,

  3. Ha! I am usually asleep by 9 any night of the week. Glad to hear you are not in quite as much discomfort. And wouldn't that be something, to pay Congress minimum wage? What a great idea! :-)

  4. You sure do get a lot done in a day's time . . . even when not in tip-top shape! You set the bar high for the rest of us.

    Regarding 46 being old . . . she IS old if she's thinking she's old at that age! I truly believe you are as old as you talk yourself into being. (Says this here teeny-bopper!)

    Have a great weekend.

    P.S. Yes, your husband IS handsome!

  5. Ahhh, bread. I love making it! I think I might try Irish Soda Bread this weekend. It's one that I've never made for some reason. Your hubby looks like he is enjoying himself, just kicking back with the pooches.
    I hope you enjoy yourself tomorrow at the farmers market.

  6. Nothing more handsome than a man smothered under loving dogs!

    That bread sounds so good --
