Saturday, March 2, 2013

A fine day...

  I spent a fne day with some of my family today. A really fine day.  My sister-in-law, of brain cancer fame, as she likes to say,  and brother at their son's house, with her sister and brother-in-law here visiting from California.  (That's me on the end in the green, in my current Orca incarnation).  That's MY brother, on the floor in front.

  We all got together for lunch at my nephews beautiful home, and my niece decided it would be good to turn it into a little surprise birthday party, since Brenda's birthday is March 7th, but her sister has to go back on March 5th. So we did. Because we could. LOL  I said--we will convolute the space-time continuum, and no one will know the difference.  Bahahahaha.  So, for all intents and purposes, today was her birthday.  We had a catered lunch and we had cake and we had balloons and we had presents.  AND, we had rabbits (Ella and Bella, stuffed, of course) who begged for a balloon each to tie onto their ears to see if they could fly.  (Not quite--but they did sit up a lot straighter). And we had lots of laughing and loving and it was all quite grand.
 Sis and her grandbabies...

  My 2 great nieces, Jaden and Lily, are extremely intelligent children and so well behaved it almost makes me like kids again. lol  They are artistic and creative and adventurous and friendly.  They have 3 dogs, Finnegan, a Golden Retriever; Java, a beagle mix; and Snoopy, a long haired daschund who looks like he was crossed with a Sheltie, but is actually a pure bred.  They also have a fish. They helped their mama in the garden last year and had lots of fun with all that.  After everyone else had gone, I stayed and we had some great conversation about gardening and storing food and I was so pleased that these two 30 somethings are even thinking along those lines. They asked for help with their garden endeavors this coming summer, because they are novices. I promise to give them any and all the help they need. We talked for a bit about child rearing and disipline and all sorts of fun stuff. lol


  I'm having some kind of car little Focus has been acting up some in the cold mornings.  My diagnosis has been the automatic choke or something, because some mornings it doesn't want to stay going after you start it, unless you continually give it gas. Once it warms up, it's fine. Until today. Today on the way home from my nephews, it died 3 different times, way after it was warmed up. Twice at stop lights when I slowed down to stop and once when I slowed down enough to turn onto my road.  And of course, when it dies, you can't steer it. It was a little hairy, but I got home safe and sound.  It starts right back up again with no problem.  sigh...I really don't need a car repair bill...

  Well, the Irishman and I just watched a couple of episodes of The Vicar Of Dibley with Dawn French.  If you have never seen this BBC series--do yourself a favor. It is comedy at it's finest.  I've laughed too much now, and my throat is dry. lol

  Have a great Saturday night and Sunday morning, everyone.  I'm staying home all day tomorrow and not going anywhere. Yippee !!!!!



  1. Good for you, taking time for yourself for a change, Annie. Thank you for sharing the pictures and it's wonderful to hear the happiness in your "voice." :-)

  2. The pictures are great Annie!! It sounds like a fun time for all of you and that makes me very happy!!

  3. It was really a great time...low key, full of laugter...lots of love.

  4. What a lovely family you all are - the photos are priceless.

  5. Thanks, JoAnn...this is my sister-in-law with brain cancer...she starts chemo and radiation this coming week.

  6. Glad you had a good visit. Hope the car holds out... and that you get some signs of spring soon!
