Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 6...

One of my favorite singers of all time (and I know I'm dating myself here...)  is Anne Murray. Over the years, there's been nobody who can comfort me, touch me or bring me to tears like she can. SO...for this 6th day of the LOVE month, I give you a link to a few of her best love songs...  Get yourself a nice cup of tea, turn up the volume, close the door and sit back and enjoy....

You're welcome...



  1. Thank you, dear Annie. I'm sending YOU lots of love, too. :-)

  2. I like her too. I am cleaning out my CDs. When I run across any of her CDs I will put them aside and then I will ask for your mailing address.

  3. I found some Anne Murray music Annie. Please go to my profile for my email address and send me your mailing address.

    :-) Beth

  4. I like her too. TAht's back in the day when music was music - not just a bunch of noise! (Whoops, I'll be hated by the younger generation.)
