Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Little Acts of Kindness

...go a long, long way.   And never am I more aware of this truth than when I am ill.  When every tiny thing seems monumental to me.  When the smallest things bring me comfort, or relief, or just joy.

  And I have been sick, sick, sick.  Sine Friday night. I spent Saturday, Sunday and Monday in bed. Almost continually.  Coughing, exhausted, slightly feverish (so says the Irishman, I didn't think so).  Absolutely unable to function. I'd get up, stay up for about an hour or maybe 2 (not usually) and go back to bed. I managed to drink enough water to not get dehydrated. I had lemon, honey and ginger tea each time I was up. I nibbled bits of food. And went back to bed. I was in bed so much that it hurt. lol  My back, my yi yi...

  As most of you know, I still refuse to get flu shots.  I went to 2 AA meetings in a week, and I'm pretty sure that's where I got it. Maybe. My nephew was sick with something when he was here at Christmas, which my son and husband consequently came down with too.  There are so many people around here sick with various forms of something or other...I personally know at least 5 people who have been sick enough to be hosptalized.  Most of them have had flu shots.

  The Irishman has taken very good care of me and of things around the house. Yesterday I turned a corner and felt SO GOOD..that I immediately rushed outside in the warm spring-like air and did a few silly things, like scrape ice off the back deck and sweep down the front deck. I caught up laundry and vacuumed the house.  I hung the dog blankets and the people couch blankets out on the line to air out. I opened all the windows and shut off the furnace and aired out the house. I should be doing that window thing right now--it's 53 degrees out there !  But I don't feel quite so chipper today.  Thinking maybe I jumped the gun a little....

  Beth tells me they're forecasting about 2 inches of rain for us down here tomorrow. That means I really should get dressed  and go out  and do a little shopping so that I don't have to go out tomorrow.  But honestly...I just don't feel up to driving anywhere....I have enough coffee for tomorrow morning. So there's nothing I absolutely HAVE to get today.  I'm gonna play it by ear. I am a little stir crazy. But I'm thinking that a nap sounds like a good idea right now. I can't decide anything--that should tell me somethng. lol

 My Christmas decos are still everywhere, and I don't care. I got the piles of dog hair up yesterday, and things freshened up a bit, so now worries there. The dishes are done and  there are leftovers in the fridge, enough to get us by one more day, at least.  On Monday, when the Irishman went back to work,, I got out of bed around 9 and went out back to get the chickens out and promptly fell on the ice at the bottom of the back step. A solid sheet of it. And hit my bad knee hard and bruised my hip, elbows and knees. I just lay there for a minute, crying in that pitiful, snot-choked sobbing that only I can do so well...I just couldn't take one more thing, you know ?  LOL  I really hurt from that fall.  That was the evening that my neighbor called my husband at work to stop by on his way home, because she made supper for us.   I felt so blessed to have such a wonderful neighbor...and she made a whole meal: a comfort food casserole (chicken tettrazini), a lovely green salad, birthday cupcakes and bread.  That small kindness meant the world to me. People were calling and sending me Facebook birthday wishes on Sunday, and I was too sick to barely acknowledge them.  But just knowing that someone was thinking of me seemed like the grandest thing in the world at that moment.  The Irishman brought me home flowers and a lovely card and a get well card and a beautiful wooden Bobby Flay salad bowl and spoons. And he promised me that next weekend --WHEN I WAS WELL-- we would go out and celebrate twice to make up for my being so sick on my 60th birthday.  

  I am one lucky duck.  

  And now, I think it's time for a nap.




  1. I am so sorry I missed your birthday Annie, I hope you are feeling better today. Holler across the way from you to O'Fallon and ask my brother or his wife to go to the store for you.

    It was so nice of your neighbor to send you supper.

  2. Oh, I know everything seems and looks so bad when you're as sick as you have been. And, yes, you did overdo it by getting up and cleaning, etc., etc. the first moment you felt better. (But we women are programmed that way so I understand totally why you did it!) Blessings on your hubby's dear head for being so understanding and helpful. A guy like that is worth his weight in gold. (Even at today's prices!) I know it's hard to ask anyone for help, but realize that when you do, it makes the person asked feel soooo good to be able to truly help someone else. Call your good neighbor with a grocery list. You should NOT go out tomorrow no matter how good you feel. (Do I sound like I'm being a bossy mother?)

  3. I agree with Mama Pea. Don't go out tomorrow in the rain. You are still sick and need to recover, birthday or not. I am so sorry to hear how sick you got, but glad to know you turned the corner... unless you continue to overdo it and wear yourself out! Rest. Nap. Let people take care of you, girl. :-)

  4. Oh, I hope you fully mend soon. My son had this flu and I had to stay away from him. I have been washing my hands alot and not allowing visitors since my immune system is still a little weak. I feel like a nutcase;)
    Happy belated birthday as well.I am trying to get back to regularly reading my favorite blogs so will be around more and not miss things anymore.
    take care Annie.

  5. Happy Birthday dear friend. So sorry you've been so sick. It't not a very fun way to celebrate. Be sure to hold the Irishman to his promise as soon as you are well enough to enjoy it.

  6. Happy belated birthday! so sorry you have been sick and then injured--good grief! the rest of the year should be a breeze, right? What a wonderful kindness--a whole meal--when you really needed it. Since I am behind reading blogs, I hope you are feeling much better by now, dear one. :)

  7. I love your spirit, Annie
