Sunday, January 20, 2013

It's a cold, cold Sunday

  I really like this picture.... I really like this idea...we're all just walking each other home...

 I remember when I was a kid, and we always said this when a friend had been at the house to play, and you'd yell to your mom "I'm going to walk her home!!!"  and you go and stretch out the play day a little longer. Because you could never, ever go straight somewhere and straight back home, no matter what your mom told you to do.  And there was something special about that walking each other home. It was a private time to talk (or not) and to look at every little thing in your path, and to look in the neighbor's windows as you passed by. And to try to guess if it was suppertime at every body else's house too...and what they were having, and could it ever be as good as what YOUR mom made.  And then stopping at the edge of the yard and waving goodbyes and going back home.  And taking your sweet time about it.


  We had a crazy beautiful day yesterday, over 60 degrees. Sunny and brilliant. Skies so blue it looked like a movie. I took a trip to a flea market and bought an antique metal bed frame for 10 bucks. I bought a couple of other little things too. And had some excitement, as I lost my car keys (a hole in my jacket pocket) and panicked a little before backtracking some and then going to the office and finding that the keys had been turned in by a little girl who found them in a booth. Thank goodness !  My little Roxie was in the car.  All's well that ends well.  It was really my first big day out since I've been sick and I kinda overdid it I guess, because by the time I got home I was exhausted. I sat on the front porch in the sunshine and read a bit, then got up and  swept the porch. Then I read a little more (Book 3 of the Hunger Games Trilogy) and then I went inside and did some dishes and swept up a little and straightened couch covers and such.  Today I was out for a bit this morning and then came home. I am tired. And I am coughing a bit again.  Sigh.....

  It's 24 degrees right now and heading for 18.  It feels frigid out there. It never got above about 26 degrees today.  Guess winter is back. But then my father-in-law called and said it was 4 below there.  And then I read Mama Pea and it was seriously cold there. So, maybe I should shut up about it. lol

  Friday I am going to a friends house where a mutual friend is going to give the 2 of us an elementary knitting lesson.  I am excited about that.  A friend is coming by tomorrow and I have a couple of other plans for the week. Hopefully I am not getting this cold back again...I am going to make some nice chicken soup tomorrow...that should help.

 I am having a hissy fit tonight with my electronics. My digital camera won't download any pictures. I think the problem may be in the USB cable. I tried to re-take the pictures with my iPhone, but it won't let my into the Instagram app--says it needs to be updated, but it won't let me update it because it says my id/password is incorrect.  AARRGGHHHHH...I was talking to a friend and told her I just need to go back to 2 cans and a string. and a Kodak instamatic. lol  I am so tired of this's entirely more work than it's worth to me. Hate hate hate it.  And of course I am stuck with it. Another year I guess. 

  So I'm tired and cranky and coughing and  woried about my little dog.  She seems to breathing hard a lot of the time. Pat says maybe she got our bug and that could be it...but she's also 8 or 9 years old and I don't know how long doxies live, but it's probably around 10 or 12. And that upsets me.  She doesn't seem to be in a lot of distress...her nose is cool and moist. Her eyes look a little tired to me.  Anyway, one more thing on my mind tonight...

  Made a yummy supper of soba noodles with a bunch of veggies cooked in coconut milk. Hit the spot.

  Guess I'm gonna call it a night. Feeling tired and about ready to jump in that big warm sleigh bed with the lovely quilts, and my sweetheart sleeping away next to me.  And start again tomorrow.



  1. Oh, I hope Roxie the Doxie is okay. She's such a sweet thing and you know I think I love her too. It's easy to overdo it when you start to tell good again. I can just see you lugging that bed frame around all by yourself, overdoing it! :-)

  2. LOL...that's what everybody klept saying, while I protested that it wasn't heavy, PLUS, it had wheels!! Then a young black man came up and said, let me help you, and took it. lol He was shocked to see how light it was, I think. I just grinned and said--told you.

  3. What memories you jarred in me! I had totally forgotten about "walking a friend home." We did that all the time when we were kids. I had one friend I knew from school that I played with out of school and she must have lived about six blocks from our house. But we used to walk each other all the way home after playing. Now why did we do that??

    Wanna know what our high temp was today? -11 degrees! And it did feel reeeeallly cold outside! It's falling and down to -16 now at 7 p.m. Gonna have to put an extra log on the fire tonight!

  4. Okay, Mama Pea. You win on the weather front. lol How do you stand it? It's 10 here this morning and WCF of 1. Had to change out the water dish in the chicken coop because the heated bowl froze--you know that's cold !

    I think we did that walking each other home thing just to string out the playtime...not wnting to let go just quite yet...
