Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Last Sunday of 2012...

...and here we stand, on yet another precipice, leaning into the upcoming year. Thinking about the year past. Thinking about the year on board.  What will we do differently ? Better ? More ?  How will will we face the uncertainties that life and the world throw at us ?  How will we manage to keep our families intact and our finances in check and our heads from exploding ?  How will we keep the animals fed and the gardens planted and the table laid ?  And how can we possibly sleep at night with all this jibbir-jabbar running through our minds like a downhill freight train ?

  If my only doomsday prophesy is that we don't sleep well, then I guess it will all be okay. lol  I don't sleep that well anyway, and neither do most of the middle aged women I know.  I can think of a lot of things I need to do differently.  But I can also see a lot of changes I have already made, which makes it all seem less daunting.  I have high hopes for 2013. For all of us. I am sensing and sometimes seeing a subtle shift in human nature,  we are becoming more compassionate, more realistic, and more gentle.  With ourselves and with others.  And it makes my heart smile.

  It's a frigid, but sunny morning here on the Prairie. The sun is glaring brilliantly against the white snow and blue sky.  It's blinding, really.  And my car hasn't been moved in several days and is frozen, doors, big icicles hanging down from the wheel wells and bottom of the doors. They look like crystal spears. Everything looks gorgeous out there.  I am going to try to get out there today...certainly by tonight when I'm attending a speaker meeting and potluck.  I may just wait til then..I wanted to stop by the store and pick up some lobster tails for our New Years Eve supper.  We never go out on NYE. We always stay at home and have a feast and then sometimes even stay up til midnight.  The Irishman has to work Monday, but is off Tuesday.  So, it will be good and we will be home safe and warm. Just the way I like it.

  Thinking about making a coconut pie today.  I'll just take pumpkin bread to the potluck. They're making chili and I don't know what is an "apprpriate side dish" to go with that. lol  Unless I make some cornbread. Or bring hotdogs and buns. Hey--that's a thought. Chilidogs, piled high with chopped onions. That sounds good...I'm not a big hot dog eater, but every now and then, a Nathans sure sounds good. hmmm....

  I've been up since about 7, which means that I got about 6 hours of sleep again. I feel drowsy now, after having a bowl of oats for breakfast. I loaded it with raisins and walnuts and cinnamon. The Irishman is gone to his home group, of course and I am not even dressed yet. Thinking about a nap, actually, and it's only a little after 10. lol 

  I finished the first book of the Hunger Games Trilogy. A quick, good read. Saw the movie first this time, and the movie actually did a good job of following the book. Yay!  I'll start the second book--Catching Fire--in a bit.  Suzanne Collins wrote these three books in three years. I am flabbergasted by that !  I guess when books want to be written, they get written. BOOM!  Last night we watched  The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel again. God,I love that can you go wrong with Judi Dench and Bill Nighy and Maggie Smith and Tom Wilkinson   and the rest of the wonderful cast? And the story is so dear to my heart...I want to read the book. I had it on my list at one time and now I can't remember the name of the author or the book itself.  It was not called TBEMH...oh right--It was called These Foolish Things, by Deborah Moggach.  Which was then republished a little differently, with the screenwriting changes I'm assuming, and marketed under TBEMH.  At any rate, I want to read the original. So there.  lol

  Alrighty then. I think I shall wander into the bedroom. One of two things will happen :  I will either lie down for a nap, or get my clothes on.  Either way, I win.  lol

  Have a peaceful Sunday, my friends. The doggies are snoozing, the cats are lazing about and the new age music (Moodscapes) is playing and lulling me into a  serene and comfortable place. This station sounds like massage room music. That probably why I like it so much. lol

  Carry on, and enjoy your day !



  1. I love your first paragraph, Annie, questions we all are asking ourselves, but you sum them up beautifully, and poignantly. I also have a sense that we have made a turn towards something better, that the world has softened just a little and I look forward to the new year as it unfolds. Happy New Year!

  2. And Happy New Year to you too, Teresa...I'm ready for anything. lol

  3. Happy New Year Annie!! I am so glad I met you this year!

  4. Either way we win! That's what my restless mind needs to remember. A day at a time. Happy New Year, we are blessed that you are still writing for us.

  5. Happy New Year, Beth--- I am so glad too!!! Here's to another grand year of sharing our lives with one another! Hopefully this year we'll meet F2F !!

    Happy New Year, Carol, and thanks for the kind words !!

  6. Oh gosh, Annie, I sure hope your feeling about a good shift in 2013 comes to pass. 2012 certainly was a year of uneasiness for many people. But I do believe that happiness and contentment starts with just one person. And the way each of us thinks (personally) can have such a tremendous effect on our individual lives. Here's to a great New Year!

  7. Now you are lulling me to sleep with all the talk of new age music and lulling you to sleep. All of a sudden, calmness overtook me. I kid you not. Just the suggestion worked. Happy New Year friend. We hope it is a good one for you.

  8. "Either way, I win." LOL I love that.

    Here's to another year on the blogs, bay-bee. I have enjoyed knowing you :-)

  9. That picture captures what I think your farm life looks like in the summertime. I do hope you have a wonderful new year, and it is hopeful that you and a few others have intuited a new beginning coming. I've cleaned out my drawers (the ones in my bedroom) in anticipation of new stuff coming into them! :-)

  10. I have high hopes for us in 2013, too. I keep hearing about wonderful ideas and solutions and companies and foundations that the young people are creating. There seem to be a whole group of them that think more like the old hippies, but the difference is--they don't want to drop out and form communes, they want to create change in the system, in their countries, in the world. I am in awe of them!

    I will have to watch that movie--love all the actors. Hope it was a wonderful day! :)
