Saturday, November 17, 2012

Isn't Saturday for playing?

  Not here...not today. lol  This is a sink full of pumpkin from yesterday. One of 4 or 5 sinkfulls (I'm too tired to remember) that I seeded, cut, steamed and peeled.  They went into a big cooking pot by the end of the day, and out into the mud room overnight because I couldn't do another thing. This morning around 9, the Irishman carried the big pot in for me and I put it on the stove (on top of a diffuser as not to scorch the pumpkin) and turned it on a medium heat and waited.  And Waited. AND WAITED.  Finally it got hot all the way through and I put the first batch in the canner...7 quarts.  I have at least another 7 quarts left to do, and maybe more.  It's 3 in the afternoon now. And the quarts have to pressure can process for 90 minutes. 

   God help me.

In between times, I have mopped and vacuumed everything. Made a 5 gallon batch of laundry soap.  Did 3 loads of laundry.  Cleaned the chicken coop.  The Irishman came home hungry and I said "Good luck. I think there's enough leftover meatloaf for a sandwich."   There was and he found it and ate. I hung the dogs blankets outside on the line to dry. Hope they dry.  I still need to dust...but that might wait until tomorrow. I'm running out of gas. lol

 Thinking about what to make for supper...and think I'll run out back and harvest a bunch of greens...I have kale and beets and chard and spinach...and saute those. I'm also going to roast a big pan of assorted root vegetables, including sweet potatoes, potatoes, carrots, turnips and onions and garlic.  I ave both leftover quinoa and brown rice in the fridge, so I'll serve the greens over that with a sprinkling of romano cheese (I think I'm out of parm)  and all the nice roasted veggies on the rest of the plate. I roast them with just a little EVOO and sea salt, and they are so great like that.  I might m,ake a small batch of pumpkin soup to go with it too...why not? I have plenty of pumpkin.  lol

  We had such a lovely end-of-discussion-session potluck this Thursday past.  I wound up making soba noodles with lemon grass and coconut milk. I put in some steamed broccoli, some carrots, ginger, garlic and edamame. It looked beautiful and tasted really good.  We had a butternut soup that was out of this world. A magnificent pear, feta and almond salad, a yummy broccoli and rice casserole, outstanding artisan bread, and 2 desserts--spice bars and a garbanzo bean brownie/chocolate cake thingy--both were incredible.  A lovely minted water to drink and assorted herbal teas.  I am so blessed to know such wonderful people who cook such FINE food !!!!  We had a great time and sadly, won't get together again until after the first of the year. Which is okay--the holidays are a great time to take a break....but I love this group and the things we do.

  Well...better get out back and get those greens. It will be dark before I know it and it's much easier to garden in broad daylight.   lol   I watched a great you tube that I will try to post on here about Biointensive Gardening.  It's kinda what we do.

  Have a great weekend everyone!!!



  1. Annie, you simply amaze me with how much you accomplish in a day. I am tired out just reading about it. Pumpkins for days! :-)

  2. I have said before Annie that you are my role mode. How in the world do you accomplish so much in a days time?

  3. DJan ~~ I didn't think those darn pumpkins would ever be done! lol Wound up with 14 quarts canned, 5 pints of pumpkin butter (+/-) and 10 quarts of frozen. Oh, and 1 loaf of pumpkin bread...

    Beth~~lol. It's all about time management. Somedays I get nothing done. Other days (like today) I have so much going on in spits and spurts, at different stages of done-ness, that I am shocked when it all comes together at the end and I have accomplished quite a lot.

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  5. I see from reading comments that amaze everyone - not just me. Whew, I'm not the only one then that can't accomplish that much in one day - in fact I'm not even sure if I could get it done in a whole week.

  6. Wonder Woman strikes again!! Just think of all you got from those pumpkins that cost practically nothing! Wow! No wonder you were exhausted. But when you are making pumpkin bread in the dead of winter--you will do it with a huge smile on your face. ;)

  7. MDCM....I feel like such a fraud all I really do is tread water !! lol

    Rita--It's all done, the Great Pumpkin caper is over. Thank Goodness!! lol And I am grateful for it already. I did get 14 quarts out of this last batch and 6 pints of pumpkin butter. It's divine.

    Already thinking up things to make with it...and am going to make a few loaves of pumpkin bread right off for the Irishman to take with him to Wisconsin...

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