Thursday, November 1, 2012

A new month...on our way to the end of the year...

  Doing lots of menial labor today...labors of love, actually...trying to get myself back into an "Attitude of Gratitude" and start this month off right.  So far, I have got bread going, vacuumed, straightened and cleaned slipcovers, taken down the sheers and washed them all, done another load of laundry that is dog blankets and afghans and such...I've hauled pumpkins out to the compost pile, gathered eggs, tended my flock and am getting ready to go out and sweep the front porch in that futile exercise to try to keep some of the leafy crap making it's way back into my living room. One of the blessings of living out here is that there are so many trees...and one of the curses this time of year is that they are EVERYWHERE.  lol  I have changed the dining room tablecloth to a new one I bought last year at an end of the season sale (January, maybe??) that is quite pretty and has a border of pumpkins and l;eaves all down the front and back of it. I got out 2 of the newer placemats that are that beautiful russet color  ( maybe not russet--not all that much brown in them, but definitely a beautiful fall color.) and put up my little Give Thanks pumpkin between the candles to remind me to be grateful every day.  It is a warm-ish day here on the least 60. It partly cloudy, and all the critters but one cat are outside enjoying the weather. (They hate the vacuum too, of course). lol


  Ah--the dryer has stopped. Let  me get those things out before they re-wrinkle.  Okay. Folded and put away, transferred another load from washer to dryer and started the last load.  Time to get out there and sweep that porch...but, maybe I'll sit a spell first.

  Going to a womens meeting tonight at 7 and meeting up with a couple of friends. That will be nice and much needed. I don't go out much at night if I can help it...usually just too much with supper and all. And I'm tired. lol  But in a minute I'm going to throw together some spaghetti for supper and I'll eat and be gone by a little after 6. I need to make myself get out of here sometimes or I'll find myself not leaving Honeysuckle Hill for days and days at a go.  That's only a bad thing if I've let my panties get in a wad about something, like I have this trip. This non-trip. The getaway.  lol   And it has robbed me, this resentment,( the way resentments have a way of doing), of any peace in this life of mine. And nothing is worth that, really.  And I was thinking this morning that I need to let it go and lose this headache I've had since the event. 

  Sigh...I know better than this.


  SO now my little home is cleaner (still a lot to do) and the world a little better for it. My world, anyway.  I really need to get all those deck plants out of my mudroom and bring in the ones I think can survive in the house and just let the rest go. The rosemary is definitely coming in. And the big coleus and the geraniums. They all are in dire need of watering...

  And today is the first of November, which means that NaNoWriMo has begun. I wrote for a while this morning and am happy with what I have so far.  Even have a title already, which surprised me, because that doesn't always happen for me so early.  I wrote maybe a thousand words. It's like that sometimes...the words just fly out of you and then other times, you can't string together a sentence.  Wish me luck--we'll see how it goes.  

   I'm starting to smell the bread...made a multigrain french bread to go with the spaghetti.  I guess I'll nmake a salad too--had salad last night with  white chili and buttermilk biscuits. It was quite good. If I make another salad today, I think I can go pick more lettuce for the fridge. There's a lot of good looking stuff out there...and beet tops and chickweed and kale and spinach and chard...and pea greens...I had no idea how tasty those leaves off the snow peas are !  Great stuff for salads. In a month or two, we'll surely be missing that stuff...

  Last night I beefed up the salad with sunflower seeds and fresh sliced pear. I found one poor little carrot in the garden and had some green onion tops that I used too.   Tonight's salad will be a simple green salad...nothing fancy.  Salad, spaghetti and warm french bread...does it get any better than that?

  K--I'm off to sweep the porch and then I shall take a shower and fold more clothes and  and watch a soap opera while waiting to eat my dinner.  Then I'm off to meet up with the girls....

Happy November, everyone !!



  1. If anyone deserves a little time off with friends, it's you! Enjoy every moment.

  2. Have a great evening! And good luck with your novel writing.

  3. I hope you had a wonderful time Annie out with friends.

    I love spaghetti!

  4. I am blessed by your recounting of your day.

  5. Ashling--it was a good time and I'm glad I got my lazy butt out of the house!~ lol

    Brenda!! Hey there, gosh--just looked at your page and your knitting looks magnificent. Brilliant AND talented!!! I'm green with envy. Good to see you here! Loving your new house??

    Beth--I love spaghetti too...especially with home canned marinara so I can make it quicker! lol And I did have a good time.

    Retired English Teacher...thank you. And welcome!!

  6. Aloha, dear Cloudia...

    Things are getting exciting now, aren't they? 5 days and counting...


  7. I have an award for you Annie. Pls stop by my blog!

  8. Your manner of writing has always appealed to me. I feel like we just had a cup of tea together. I am sending you big virtual hugs. Can you feel them? :-)

  9. I'll be right over, Beth! Thank you...

    DJan--I surely can. Thanks !!

  10. Oh your homemade bread and spaghetti sounds wonderful. You certainly are a busy woman and I bet your house looks great and you happy at it being done.
    Have fun out.
    Congratulations on your award from Beth. B

  11. Hi Annie, Visiting with you via Beth's blog. Wishing you a nice weekend. Mildred

  12. Dear Buttons--thanks for stopping by. And you're right--I always feel better in a clean house. lol The spaghetti was a wonder of stuff form my garden that I canned in 2012...yum! The bread was a multigrain French bread in my bread machine. (Freed me up to vacuum! lol)

  13. Thank you, MIldred--you have a lovely blog as well. (Is that a little doxie dog you have? I have a rescued 9 year old doxie named Roxanne....Roxie Doxie !!

    Thanks for stopping in and I hope you'll come back. I tried to post on your blog, but Firefox seems to have it's knickers in a twist tonight and keeps crashing.... I'll be back!

  14. Happy November, Sugar Booger.

    I hope you are well.

  15. Kristen!!

    There you are. Happiest of Novembers to you, dear girl....
