Saturday, October 13, 2012

Will it ever be done???

 Finally got the jalapenos canned...13 jars, half pickled and half just canned in water and salt.  I let them go so long,  some of them started turning the most gorgeous red color, as you can see, they're very pretty...And the darn pepper plants still have flowers on them. Thinking I should just pull them up.

Got 7 1/2 pints of pear butter made and canned...that was a 5 gallon bucket full of ripe pears plus a few more.  I cooked it down in the crock pot overnight, after chunking them and cooking them until soft in my stockpot. I didn't peel them,  the plan was to use the rotating colander to separate the peels from the meat. I did that, and then got out my turbo blender and pureed the peels...tasted them and decided they could just find their way into the butter and dumped 'em in. I just turbo'd the whole kit'n'kaboodle after that, it was easier. And I think the peels are good for you, and so there. Then I spiced it with nutmeg and cloves and cinnamon....bada bing ! It tastes really good....

I still have these 5 boxes of pears sitting on my island...not quite ripe enough yet to can, but won't be long. My friend called to tell me there were plenty more if I wanted them, but I honestly don't think I can handle any more.  Maybe....sheesh.  Hate to turn down free fruit. Have plenty of canning jars. They would keep a loooong time.  I don't know. I'll see how I feel once these are done. 

 We ate the first of the green beans tonight with supper. Not enough to can yet, but plenty for a meal. Man...were they good! I fried chicken and made mashed potatoes and gravy...a treat--we rarely eat fried anything, or gravy. It was wicked good!  And the dogs were in heaven with the thigh and leg bones.

 I'm thinking that, the way things are going, I'm still going to be canning SOMETHING at Christmas time!!!!


  We got the garlic and onions in. The snow peas are starting to flower. The beets are up and looking good, and we have been eating lettuces and kale and chard and carrots out of the garden.  Not too shabby for the middle of October!!  We're in the middle of a weird warm-up and tomorrow is supposed to be 75 or something. It's very warm out there tonight... I have had the house opened up all day with window fans on, clearing out the dog stink. It was so nice outside...

 I got laundry done and floors vacuumed today. The Irishman went for a hike and a little fishing, and I came home and did some chores.  We will spend tomorrow morning at a meeting, celebrating his 32nd AA birthday, and afterwards are going to eat somewhere. So I wanted to get some stuff done, since I am babysitting those 2 adorable little boys (my friends grandsons) Monday and Tuesday...and then Thursday I will be sitting with my neighbor for a few hours.  Answered prayers  in regards to my little financial meltdown earlier in the week. And as usual, nothing was as bad as I imagined it to be...all that panic and worry for naught. 


I have green tomatoes out there, trying to decide whether to haul them in now or wait and see if more ripen. I need to recheck the weather forecasts, I guess.  There are a couple more butternut squash as well, and quite a few little tiny ones. You can cut those up and use them in stir fry...better than letting them go to waste.  It'll be interesting to see how long the snow peas will hold on. I think we are going to put cold frames over our lettuces and chard and stuff, and see how long we can extend the season for those.  We have learned so much this's been pretty awesome.

  Okay--I need to go to bed as we have to get up early so we can stop on our way and pick up a birthday cake.  

  Have a grand night, y'all.....

OH--BTW...I have another new grand nephew, born a few days ago. His name is Ethan and I'm on the hook to make another blanket.  I cannot wait to see him. We have another on the way too, his name will be Reef... and he is due the middle-last week of November.  (Reef already got his blankie!!)  Our family just continues to grow...



  1. Back when we had a couple of old, mature pear trees that gave us wonderful fruit, I always canned the pear halves in a light syrup and we really enjoyed them as a light dessert all throughout the year.

    I, too, am still finding myself with stuff yet to preserve. This has been an unusual year for us up here in northern MN. Very late killing frost (just this past week) and I've still got beets, potatoes and Jerusalem artichokes in the ground and Brussels sprouts on the stalks. Why? (Get it in gear, Mama Pea!)

  2. You do more than anybody I know, Annie. Lord, that is a whole lotta work, but as you said, it's hard to let free fruit go. Have you grown that extra set of arms yet? :-)

  3. I stand in awe of you Annie. You are my hero. Don't forget to take a break once in awhile.

  4. Beth said it all. Once again I'm tired out from listening to all you do.

  5. Wow! I can see why you'd be tempted to grab as many free pears as you can. Pear butter or whatever you make will last a very long time. You really may be canning at Christmas!

    Have fun with the little boys and congrats on the new member of the family!! :)

  6. It was a great year for peppers :) I am of sick of canning....shouldn't be but enough is enough sometimes.
    Congrats on the expanding family:)
