Monday, October 22, 2012

Rainy days and Mondays always make me smile.....

Glad I picked these   The garden is still producing lots of greens and green beans. There are still some young butternuts out there and lots of big squash blossoms.  Still no snow peas. But the plants are awesome. Tomatoes still dribbling in... carrots looking robust. Beets are coming right along, and we ate some greens from some thinned out plants. This must be what gardening in Arkansas is like, lol


 It's been thundering all morning and now the rain has finally started. It's coming down pretty good out there. It was over 70 degrees when I went to bed last night and when I got up this morning.  Supposed to hit 80 today and tomorrow both.  Strange October weather....which fits right in with the rest of the year, I guess. We had planned to try some things this year to extend our growing season...surprise !!  Mother Nature has done it for us.   We do have some row covers and greenhouse flats  and some ideas to help keep some things going as long as possible.  We'll see what happens.

  Yesterday I shampooed carpets and vacuumed and mopped the hardwood floors. I only did the living room and the office carpets. And these carpets have had a hard 8 years of hard wear, so no matter how much you clean them, they only get so clean. smells better. And I'm happy enough with it, I guess. I even tried pre-treating the stains with an Oxyclean solution, but it didn't seem to help much.  My plan in the next year is to replace all the living room carpet with either tile or more already has hardwood in the hallways and dining room/kitchen. Sonny boy says it wouldn't be hard to do, just a little pricey (for materials, because,  naturally, he will do all the work.)  And just be over this too- many- animals -and -carpeting- thing.  lol   When you have 8 cats and 4 dogs...there's a lot of  the 3 P's (puking, peeing, pooping) randomly going on, I don't are who you are. Animals get sick, have accidents and they can't be faulted for that...when you make a choice, as we have, to let your pets be in your house, this is just what you get.  Ah lah. 

  Today my plan is to get back in our bedroom and try to get some stuff done...mainly clean and reorganize my walk-in closet and clean the master bath.  I need to repaint that bathroom at some point--I foolishly used some cheap paint in there and it looks terrible in spots.  It's not life and death, but something I will do some day when I have both the money for good paint and the inclination to tackle the monster.  It's a huge bathroom...almost as big as my bed room.  It has a handicap accessible  shower too, big enough to roll a wheel chair in.   The biggest problem with the closet itself is that it has all these beautiful knotty pine shelves for my clothes and it is in constant disarray.  I need to get some baskets or metal baskets otr something to use on those for socks, one for undies...etc.  Maybe I'll go to the Dollar Store and see what they've got... that would go a LONG way in keeping things more organized.  (What am I doing now? making plans to leave and do something else...stalling...LOL)  I see it's already 10:30--and I've been up since 7...Oh well. Best laid plans and all that... still, I could at least get the closet part done and then finish the rest of the bathroom tomorrow....

  Thinking I will make some French Onion Soup today. It's warm out, but soup always sounds good to me in the rain. Or not. Nachos sound good too. lol  My pregnant niece was talking this morning about biscuits and gravy for breakfast...that sounded good too, but I ate some leftover potatoes and eggs instead. I don't eat B&G very often, but when I do, I LOVE 'em....

  It's really starting to thunder and lightning now....and the internet connection is GONE.  Okay--hopefully this will save.....

  Back on for now, so I'd better publish this while I can...have a grand Monday, all y'all !!!!!



  1. We had a big gulley washer type of storm this morning with torrential rain and lots of lightning and thunder. I would love one of your red tomatoes right about now.

  2. Curious--do you ever have a season of rest?

  3.'s let up now, but we had a gullywhomper for a while there!!!

    The tomatoes are looking a little sorry, but they still taste pretty good.

    Ashling.'s about February 23rd til April, when I start working on the garden stuff. LOL (Unless I use that time to make jelly from old fruit in the freezer.) :)

  4. great twist on a familiar lyric!

    Warm Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

    > < } } (°>

  5. Bins from the dollar store sounds like a plan! After the gullywasher, of course.

    I really hope your weather stays nice enough to reap some more harvest before winter sets in your way. Dark here all day, but hasn't rained yet...unless there was a light sprinkle.

    Enjoy your week...and all those pukin', poopin' critters!! :)

  6. Annie, I think most EVERYTHING makes you smile. You are such an upbeat person, and I love to tag along with you during your many tasks. Soup suddenly sounds good to me, too. It's raining outside... :-)

  7. WOW - wish we could get some of your rain. Maybe tomorrow night - maybe!
    Your lettuce looks so good I'm tempted to run to the store to get some.

  8. Rita--it's supposed to...gonna be 80 here today. Then it's dipping down into the low 60's. We'll see what happens!!

    DJan--I have had my share of ups and downs in this life, lol...and decided a long time ago it's much easier on me to always be looking on the sunny side!! (PS--It's SUPPOSED to rain where you are.) lol

    MDCM--This is the best lettuce we have ever planted. Tastes great, held up in that bodaciouos heat this summer, and stores really well, which is an issue for leaf lettuces a lot. Hope you guys get rain soon...
