Sunday, September 9, 2012

Feels like autumn today...

And as such, I'm thinking about chili and soup and corn muffins...

 Maybe I'll make a roasted root vegetable stew?

Or a hearty lentil soup with slabs of home made bread ?

Or a big pot of minestrone soup with crusty homemade Italian bread? all sounds like good fare for a fall day.


  I have company coming for supper...actually coming around 3 and staying for supper. A friend who has a new love that's she's bringing 'round..and just before she moves.  It'll be nice. The Irishman is off at an Assembly again today. The boyo has gone to work in Iowa for the week. It's just me and the varmints here this morning and it's so nice and quiet and peaceful...we have a music channel on our satellite tv that is called Moodscapes, and I play it alot when I'm here alone. It's almost New Age-y...very serene sounds and I love it, although nobody else in this family does. lol

  So that's the setting here this morning...a cool breeze outside (it was 50 when I got up) and going to be a cool day all around.  I've been out to feed the chooks and pick them a morning salad of kale and chard and dandelion greens. They love me.  lol   Picked some carrots as I passed by the garden, so I gave them the tops of those too. They are in chicken heaven.  And I am getting from 5-7 eggs a day and I can barely keep up. Going to take my neighbor a dozen today. We can eat a lot...I hard boil a dozen a week and keep them in the fridge for snacks, lunches and sometimes I eat a couple for my breakfast if I'm not too hungry and don't want to eat. Once a week or so, I might make some devilled eggs, omelets (breakfast or supper) or a quiche now and then. The quiche doesn't really take many eggs, but I've thought about making a few at a time and freezing them.  Maybe.


  Yesterday we stopped by Walcrap and picked up a couple of things...actually went in looking for the nasty old rubber dog toys from China they used to carry (didn't find them) because they make the ONLY ball that Molly the Jack Russell Terrorist cannot destroy.  At the front door, they had freestanding fire pits on sale for 20 dollars..the nice little saucer shaped ones. 50% off.  The Irishman has been talking about getting one, that he'd like to have one...and I kept saying why?? We have a chiminea on the back deck. If you want a pit, build one with some concrete blocks.   Anyway, we got the one for 20 bucks yesterday, and he is happy as a clam. Small price , I guess.  lol  So, he put it together and built a fire in it last evening and we sat out there and held hands and drank hot chocolate into the night. It was very nice. And although I got no dog toy, I did find a can of stuff my friend was telling me about that I wanted to try...Media Crema..a Nestle product that is canned cream.   I am not crazy about Nestle. I am not a big dairy user. But now and then I need something for a recipe that is a little more than just evaporated milk.  So...there you go.

We spent a good part of the day at a Powwow yesterday. It was a ceremonial powwow honoring veterans, and it was a good time.  I have really missed going to them, haven't been to one since I moved back here 7 years ago.  There's another one coming up in 2 weeks, and I might just go to it too.  AND...I have pretty much decided to go to North Carolina for the AA convention that I used to always attend. Trying to talk my friend into going with me. ah lah...


  Well, I have drawn up a list of things to get done this morning before my guests arrive and so I guess I had better get busy doing them.  I have to water bath can something for my online class...I have to make kimchi...I think I am definitely going to make the Italian bread.  I picked a bunch of jalapenos yesterday that I thought I would pickle and water bath for 15 minutes or so. That might be cheating, but I am not new to this method of canning like some are...and I need to pickle those peppers. I have a big sheet of them out drying. I also have lemon grass drying. I worked on my pantry a bit Friday. Got 4 gallon jars of dried foods packed up and labelled.  I have a basket of tomatoes on the counter that I could use in soup..depending on what kind I decide to make.  Or I can slice them and dehydrate them.

 O--the glorious OPTIONS I have in my life today !!!!!!!!!!     lol

  I hope you are all having a wonderful Sunday...spending it in contemplation, with family, worshipping  or whatever you do on a beautiful Sunday. Me, I will cook a little and clean a little  and spend time with the people in my life that love me.

  Surely it doesn't get any better than that.



  1. You've got me hungry & dreaming of Fall menus...May your day be blissful!

  2. No, my dear lady, it doesn't get much better than that. Not unless you are a chicken living with a lady who bestows fresh greens upon you like manna from heaven. ;)

  3. You are indeed incredibly blessed! I am so envious of all your cooking and canning, and wondering where in the world you manufacture all the time to do it! Have a great Sunday, Annie! :-)

  4. Dear Annie, You give me hope!!

  5. Did you get all the things done that you listed? Four gallons of dried things seem like a lot! I am envious! Hope you enjoyed your company! Nancy

  6. Options, INDEED, Sugar Booger!! Isn't life awesome :-) We've been able to open some windows around here the last couple of days but its supposed to heat up again. Blech.

    SO waiting for fall to hit full-on!

  7. Sounds like you hve some wonderful things going on in your life. And the soups look fantastic!
