Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A stormy night...

 This is the very special Miss ChiChi.  She hates stormy nights.  Actually, all the animals hate stormy nights, especially ones like this one.  The thunder and lightning have been nonstop all day, and the rain has been off and on--mostly on.  The house looks like a wet critter storage spot, as they all insist on going  in and out...making sure they come back in once they're good and wet. Sigh....

  I am back in the office, surrounded by 3 dogs (Miss Roxie is burrowed into her blankie and down for the count) and about 5 cats, 2 of which are sleeping at my feet, just under the edge of the desk. In just the right spot so that I cannot put my feet on the floor. Cats are amazing like that--they will sit, stand or lay in the absolutely MOST inappropriate place every time.  Everyone is asleep in here, and sleep right through the storming, until I have to get up to go in the other room for any reason,  then they all jump up in unison and stop right under my feet, obviously trying to kill me.

  We've probably had 6 inches of rain today.  Yesterday morning it was 38 degrees when I woke up. This morning it was 58.  Low tonight is supposed to be in the low 60's. The rain and cloud cover is keeping it warm, I know.  But it just seems like more freaky weather. I was getting concerned about getting the lemongrass plants dug up and potted to bring inside, and a parsley plant as well. ..but I guess it's not so dire after all. These temps are supposed to be good through this entire week. It got so cold a little north of here that it burned a friends basil. The drought and heat burned mine months ago (it seems like) and I pulled them all up to dry about a month earlier than I normally would have.  I have since cut more chives to dry, lemon grass to dry, and parsley and sage as well.  I have stuff scattered everywhere.  Yay, me.

  The soothing sounds of the rain kept me in bed late this morning, considering I had retired by 11:30 last night.  These kind of rainy days always make me sleepy.  I haven't accomplished a darn thing today. And I'm not too concerned about it either.  (GO negative ions!!!)  lol

  Have a busy few days coming up...a couple of celebrations with friends, feeding neighbors dogs, meeting up with a former sponsee....all good things that soothe my soul.  I am hoping to make a trip to North Carolina in November...trying to get all the particulars in place. I really could use some time away, and this is a great convention I used to attend every year when I lived there. It's on the reservation, and I would have a chance to see some old friends and just relax.  Keep your fingers crossed for me.   :)

  Blogger has changed and I don't like it much. Trying to get used to the things that are different and find the things that are the same. Sigh...me and change don't always get along. lol  Oh well, like everything else I will fight it and then suddenly it will come easily and I will forget how it used to be. lol  One of the beautiful things about old age...that loss of memory ...

  Alright--think I'm going to make it an early night again tonight too. Hope everyone is safe and dry...there are tornadoes south of us, down by my brother. Hope thy don't all blow away....we have a niece having a baby in about a month and another one being induced tomorrow.  Love some new babies....

   Count your blessings!!



  1. counting my blessings, and you are one of them!

    Aloha from Honolulu,

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  2. It's the next morning now, Annie, and I hope everything is still intact after all that weather! And rain. We haven't had any rain for so long I've forgotten what it's like, but there's never any fear of it leaving the Pacific Northwest for too too long. I laughed out loud at the word picture of all those dogs and cats asleep and/or underfoot... :-)

  3. Wishing you sunshine today, and the hope that tornadoes stayed away from you & yours. And I agree--not liking blogger, but haven't had time to really play with it!

  4. We got just a trace of rain from the storms you had. WOW you got a lot of rain.

  5. Djan, everything is intact. It rained all the way up til morning...sun is trying to poke thru right now, but not for long, according to the weather guys.

    O, Cloudia...as you are mine!

    Ashling--glad you got the kitties named! :) I'm getting used to the new blogger, like everything else. I just have to yell and pound my fists for a while. lol

    Hi Beth--good to see you. We did get quite a bit of rain...no wind damage here tho. Thanks goodness.

  6. The only time Miss Karma tries to kill me by being underfoot is in the morning when I am getting her little bit of canned food treat for the day. Otherwise she has a great fear of being stepped on. The morning treat must be worth risking her life over. ;)

    I hope the rain was a good thing. Enjoy your fun things the next few days and happy new baby news. :)

  7. They are funny critters, aren't they, Rita?

    The rain was a good thing, still paying catch-up around these parts from the summer drought. We got the first new baby tonight--his name is Ethan, he was 6lbs 15oz and 22 inches long, taken by a C-section at the last minute. A full head of black hair and big dark eyes. Mama and baby are resting comfortably!

  8. With all that rain, I hope you are not flooding? I have been avoiding watching the news for some badly needed stress relief this last week. I hope all is well.
    I am still over at Motherx but not post as often but hey, last bought of chemo down for now!

  9. Yay, Linda....glad that poisoning is done,. I'll bet.

    Good to hear from ya, babe...

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