Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Now...where was I ???

 Such a week it has been.  And I'm hung up on the computer this morning, accomplishing nothing that I had hoped to...but I'm tired today. Emotionally exhausted, so I'm cutting myself a little slack here. The service last night for my nephew went off relatively well...a few fireworks, but we got there just after those, so I didn't have to witness any of it. (Thank you, God.)   I got home a little before 9 , I think.  The rest of the family went out to eat afterwards, but we ate before we went, so we came home, since both of my guys had to get up at 5 AM.  It was okay with me.


  It rained last night/early this morning. When I went out to tend the chickens, everything was all damp and good smelling.  After the watering/feeding/trying to decide if I need to clean the coop this morning (the answer, you'll be glad to note, was NO)  I wandered around a little and did my morning garden check. Came in with about 5 tomatoes.. The new green beans are about 3 inches tall, and the radishes are looking good. The spinach and lettuces are coming up nicely. Carrots are starting to show, and himself got the kale in Saturday evening. Still have to plant the beets, and haven't been able to find any parsnip seeds. So...that might not happen, unless I order them online.  Still up for debate.  I did notice that there are about 5 or 6 more smallish, (but growing) butternuts out there, to add to the 13 we already harvested.  It's been cool this last week, and the tomatoes (there are lots of them on the vines) are not ripening very quickly.  That's okay, as I have plenty to do. lol

  I have been researching how to harvest the lemon grass. I can use the tops for tea, which is a VERY beneficial tea. Antioxidant, antinflammatory, detoxifier...read more here:  

   And I'm going to dry some of the stalks as well, to use in cooking. The plants did really well here...this past summer was a good one for tropical plants. lol  Then the experiment will be this: one plant will be cut low to the ground and  heavily mulched and left to see if it will come back next year.  And just in case it will not...the other plant will be dug up and potted and brought in the house for the winter.  Hedging my bets, as it were...because it really is not that easy to find lemon grass plants. I lucked out at a farmers market and found a guy with one pot, who says he grows them every year. I snatched it up. lol

  Tonight for supper, I am making  a coconut Thai noodle and lemon grass dish and spring rolls. I bought wrappers yesterday and some mung bean sprouts. I usually sprout my own, but this was last minute and ...well...I have a lot going on right now that's taking up almost all my kitchen counter space.  LOL   I'll take pictures and post them.


  I'm feeling particularly motivated to work  on my house today, so maybe I'll really get some stuff done.

  On the big screen at the service last night, my nephew and brother had done a beautiful montage of photographs of my nephew..one of them was at my house at Thanksgiving last year, and we had a pic of all the boy cousins together. You could really see the beautiful walls...and I thought--WOW! I really like how that turned out!!  lol  Several people commented on it too. Let's see if I have that pic in my archives...hmmm..don't see it. Maybe it's some where else though...I'll have to look later. Wait--here it is:

 ...and this isn't all of them either....(oops).

  Anyway...I had a big old bowl of granola this morning,. all glopped up with plain yogurt and bananas. Finishing my coffee now. Had a long phone call from a friend. 

  Not a bad way to start a day....



  1. I am glad the service went well for you Annie. I hope you don't have to deal with anymore sadness for a long time.

  2. I hope that the day is a good one. Going to memorial services is hard but necessary, don't you think? Gives everyone some closure, especially when you lose someone so young. Thinking of you today (well, I think of you every time you post, what am I saying?) :-)

  3. I am glad you missed the fireworks and the memorial service went well. Glad you didn't try to go your usual speed today! Nancy

  4. Glad you are doing things a little slower for now. Memorial services and just the things that go with them can be draining. Be good to yourself, replenish your spirit. I think of you often.

  5. Such a sad event in the first place, so glad you missed the fireworks.

    Your new round of plantings sounds like it is coming along splendidly! I'm glad it was a good morning and that you got some rain. Bless you, sweet lady!! :):)
