Monday, August 13, 2012

Mondays child is...sore as heck......

 Had to use this--love it.   I'm not sore from dancing, that's for sure. Unless dancing with the vacuum cleaner AND the carpet shampooer for HOURS counts.  IN which case, then yes, yes I am. The good news is that my berber carpets are clean for a minute. The bad news is, the dogs came in while they were still damp, and suspiciously spent too much time sniffing for their old familiar smells. 2 of them immediately got down to business...rolling around like Pentecostals at a revival, smearing their dog smell back onto the carpet.  All I could do was watch.

 I had a very productive day, and almost none of it had to do with the gardens! (Shocking, isn't it?)  I was trying to think--surely I did something??  But no--it appears that I did not. I was out and fed and watered the chickens and cats, and gathered eggs. And maybe I LOOKED at the garden...but I don't think so.  I hadn't had my coffee yet...I slept a little late until one of the more annoying yowling cats sat outside my bedroom door and screamed at me til I got up.  But I got into bed really late and I was really tired....

 I had a list of things that I needed to do, because tomorrow I am over to the neighbors at 9 AM and not sure what time I'll be getting home. So..I vacuumed and dusted and cleaned the ceiling fan in the living room.  I got out the trusty Oreck carpet shampooer and went to work on all the rugs. The brutally hot weather we endured in July caused almost every dog and cat I own to vomit numerous times in the living room or the office...and no matter how well you clean it up when it happens, within a few days there will be a dark spot on the rug. Sigh....Today was dark spot removal day. I worked on the rugs for over 4 hours. In between there, I did 3 loads of laundry, and cooked a wonderful bean soup--chock full of Great Northerns, kombucha, kale, onions, carrots, celery and tomato paste. And I made a cast iron skillet full of a yummy cornbread to go with it. That was supper. I made a big pot, and froze two lunches  worth as well as putting a decent sized container in the fridge. It was freaking  awesome...and I could feel the nutrient dense kale and kombucha tickle my cells.

  At any rate, this old banged up body is plum tuckered out. Vacuuming always hurts some...even with my fabulous 8 pound Oreck platinum vacuum cleaner. But vacuuming AND carpet shampooing is just asking for it. But what's a girl to do?  You just do it and pay later. Plus I had to get the front porch swept... and tonight I am paying. lol  I just took 2 naproxen tablets and hoping I can sleep.  If it didn't hurt so much to lie in a hard bathtub, I'd be in there soaking in hot water and epsom salts right now.

  As it is, I think I'll head to bed. Lots to do before I head to the neighbors at 9...critters to tend and all. Breakfast to eat. Clothes to put on. LOL

  And don't forget the dancing....furiously.



  1. mmmm, bean soup!

    Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

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  2. You work harder than anybody I know, then sit down and write about it, I think just to make my eyes get big with your tales of hard work! You should be resting some, Annie, really.

  3. Annie, my dear, I think you are forgetting to take care of yourself!

    Bean soup and cornbread, sounds heavenly!

  4. You are amazing with what you get done in a day. Yummm, I'm coming over to eat - love Bean soup!

  5. Love the picture. I have two pugs and they have wreacked (sp?) havoc on the carpet this summer so that is on my to do list before winter comes.

    I love hearing about your life.

  6. Four hours working on the carpet like you did and I would probably be dead! Slow down! You are making me look lazy! lol Sorry about the dogs coming in and rolling! Rest up a little. Nancy

  7. Those big projects are great to have finished, but so hard on the old body. I hope you are taking it much easier today and enjoying the good company.

    I had to chuckle at the dog rolling. ;)

  8. I was wondering if you ever grate carrots and freeze in portions for carrot cake and if so do you just grate and stick in freezer? Do you ever dry your carrots in slices for soups? Thanks. Nancy

  9. Whew, I got tired just reading everything you did, without the dancing, LOL.
