Wednesday, June 27, 2012

WWW of Gardens....

(I know you've been waiting with wild abandon...)
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Click all pics to Biggify!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Here's a bit of an overview shot from the back porch... This is about half or a little less, of the gardens. And what's with that bright light??  It's only 10:30 at picture taking time, but already getting hot.  The wooden box in front is a sort of a cold frame that the Irishman built, but all summer becomes a catch-all for hoes, rakes, shovels and such. There are glass windows (re-purposed) that fit the top of it.

 Chard (called perpetual spinach) and carrots..and lots of straw mulch to hold water and shelter the roots from the heat.

My beautiful lettuce patch...still going strong (I should have picked some today before now...)

Onions...all nestled in their little bed...

Big Beautiful Butternut Squash--there are now tiny little squashes showing themselves.

 BUTTERBEANS !!!!  (lol--I just love saying that word)...and they are slowly starting to flower.

Basil, hanging out in the 'maters...

Tomato Jungle

Kennebecs, Irish Cobblers, and Red Pontiacs...'taters, baby!!

Aren't these gorgeous?  It's my plot of garlic chives, flowering.  And I popped a bit of a flower into my mouth, and OMG!!  It's one of the sweetest mildest garlic tastes I have ever experienced. The stems are long and flat, unlike other chives which have a round stem...I'm putting some onto tonight's salad....

Sweet potatoes...Georgia Jets

anise hyssop, parsley, rosemary...

Green beans...Blue Lake Bush beans. Flowering madly and I'm picking beans almost every day.

A Plethora of Peppers !!!! Red, Green, Yellow bells...and Jalapenos!

Snow peas and Green Beans...with a side of potatoes! 

 Time for a little break from all those vegetables.  Here are a couple of shots of the hens and rooster...
Aren't they just adorable ??  Rocco the rooster is learning to crow like a real man these days...

And here's Frank (that's St Francis to you, but we are family...) watching over Honeysuckle Hill.

Some of the deck flower can see that I haven't yet found the time and energy simultaneously to get busy and get the house siding mold cleaned off...arrgghhhh...

Lilies everywhere!

Pretties..petunias, ivy, geraniums...

More pretties...vincas, dianthus, herbs and all...

A little garden fairey, for good measure...

Volunteer cucumber on the outside edge of the quinoa bed.

Quinoa experiment in progress.

Miss LilyKat...resting in the shade, under the canoe rack and canoe.


  And there it is...Wednesdays Wonderful World of gardens.  You can see that it's keeping me busy/. The Japanese Beetles have launched their attack on my edamame, and I am launching right back this evening after it cools down some. I have a batch of dish soap and onion and garlic skins, just waiting to be sprayed on things. 

  And now I shall have a little lunch and say a little prayer for rain, though I know none is coming, it can't hurt to ask. I shall venture out in a bit and try to do a little weeding in the flower beds. I have a whole list of projects, but I don't even want to think about them in this heat. lol

  And as always, the living room carpets and furniture are full of clumps of white dog hair. Goes without saying. I didn't vacuum yesterday...or did I ??  sigh....It sure doesn't look like it.  I'm waiting to do laundry until tomorrow, so I can have the last of the Irishman's stuff done before he leaves.

  Have a grand Wednesday...I'm off to make another blackberry doobie, and photograph it better this time, so I can put it on Dragon Womans Kitchen blog. So much to



  1. Great pics Annie. That is quite a garden you have going there!! The kitty is cute too.

  2. Oh! I am so envious of the beautiful garden you have, Annie. I am trying, but it will be awhile before I'm harvesting any bush beans. They are all doing fine, though. My squash plants are going great guns, and I've got blossoms on my Asian eggplant! Yayy! I LOVE your pictures and the chickens, too...

  3. Blown away by your garden and your produce. I wish I could do as you have done. As it is, I have a few tomato plants and a couple of sweet peppers. Maybe eggplant next year.....

  4. Hi! You have a nice lot of things planted! I use my cold frame year around and hook the cover to the fence behind it as it has hinges. I wondered since you put straw around how often you have to water? Nancy

  5. My chef friend would be all over this post. Oh, how he would love your home. You are such a delight, Annie!!

  6. What a beautiful garden! Awesome pictures. You give me inspiration to do more in my garden. I love reading about what you've been up to.

  7. OMGosh! Everything is coming along beautifully. You will be kept busy until winter!! Awesome gardening there, lady! Stay cool. It doesn't hurt for me to pray for a little rain your way, either. ;)
