Monday, June 18, 2012

Monday Morning running wild...

The bee balm is blooming...I just love this stuff. The flowers are so lacy and delicate looking...


  It's been an interesting weekend. I haven't posted since Thursday because life just got ahold of me and wouldn't let go. lol  I wanted to get in here last night, but lost my internet connection again. Don't know what that's about, but it was really annoying.  I did everything I knew how to get back online and nothing worked, so it wasn't on my end. So, I shut 'er down and read a book. Until about 10:30 PM, then I went to sleep. It's back on this morning. (Duh...I guess that is obvious). lol

 Thursday night I went to a womens meeting, and got to see the new baby of one of our members...a beautiful little boy.  6 weeks old. wow...I can almost remember when my Tom was that little. lol It was a good time and got to see my dearest friend who was there unexpectedly too, so it was awesome all the way around.

  Friday I got to watch one of my "girls" walk across the stage and get her diploma. I was so proud of wasn't easy , but she persevered and made the dream a reality.  Afterwards we all went out for a celebratory pizza party, the Irishman and I, another 2 friends, her dad, husband and 2 daughters. Got home a little late (for us), and had a really good time.

  Saturday I went to a morning meeting that I attend and got my 22 year coin. It was a really touching morning there, as several of my sponslings attended and had nice things to say, we had a newcomer, and a young man said such nice things that it made this old woman cry.  I was feeling especially blessed. 

  Yesterday the Irishman went to an Assembly. He rode with another guy, but I had to be up at 4 AM to take him to meet the guy in town. I went to bed early enough on Saturday night, so it wasn't too bad.  Until later in the day, lol.  My son came over and did a bunch of things for me...replaced my kitchen light (the old one went kaput and wouldn't l put out any light anymore, when you could get it to actually come on.). He tried to fix my oven and couldn't. He took down some big tree limbs over my back deck that were in dire need of removal. He did some heavy duty weeding out around my flower beds on the rock wall and pulled those big weeds out of the middle of my rose of sharon.  (Did I say he's tall??  lol  I couldn't get to them.)  I made him and myself a nice breakfast and we had a good day together.  Then he trotted off to see his dad for Fathers Day.

  I had another meeting that I had to go to to give one of my girls her 5 year coin. Couldn't bake a cake, so had to settle for buying a batch of cupcakes at the local bakery. That was 4:30 til 6 and then I was finally on my way home....

  The Irishman was here when I got here. And grumpy.  And so was I.  And so naturally, we had an argument and now we seem to be having a passive aggressive battle of wills. He left for work this morning a half hour early, didn't eat breakfast, and didn't clean up the mess the little dog left in the office. Because I didn't shut the door last night. On purpose. I almost slept in the spare room (Which--oh yeah--I cleaned on Friday too--finally) and then decided that would be cutting off my nose to spite my face, as the bed is nice, but not as comfortable as my own bed. He said something to me in the midst of this argument that was very hurtful.  Because he was rattling on about the business end of the assembly he attended and I said I didn't really care. He stormed off into the other room and came back and viciously said some stuff. after I apologized for being rude. sigh....and I was immediately pissed and the rest of the evening pretty much went to hell.  On a brighter note, one of the things I do when I'm angry is take it out physically, so I took the broom outside and got all 3 decks swept off, something that has been on my list for the past 3 days, but it was too hot to do when I had time.

  We rarely fight or argue, so it's really uncomfortable when it happens. And I am so stubborn and so is he.  I don't know how long this will go on, but not long, I'm sure.  I can't take it, it's not worth it. I have done a good job so far at not shooting off my mouth and coming back at him with the thousand things that I keep thinking.  :)


  I am getting ready to sit with my neighbor today, while his 65 year old wife goes zip-lineing .  (I'm not kidding!!)  She's my role model.  lol  I have to be there in an hour...I've been out, the chickens are taken care of and I need to eat and get dressed. It will be a long day....but I've got a good book and the weather might be nice.  We've been having a string of hot days again, but finally got a really good rainstorm Saturday's 75 right now at 7 AM...supposed to get up to 97 today.  YIKES.  Maybe I better go out and put a little extra water in my potted plants....

  Have a grand day...a new start, a new week.  



  1. We do that every now and then, get in a tangle with each other, and it makes everything feel all weird. We don't argue often, but when we do, we are both out of sorts. Congratulations on your 22-year chip! You deserve every accolade, Annie. I so enjoy your posts, even with a storm cloud in the skies, it is still nice to hear from you, always. :-)

  2. Jim and I had our share of quarrels too as all couples do.

    The thing to do is to never go to bed angry. xx

  3. Crazy weekend indeed...good taht you can still see the beauty of teh bee balm despite the storm clouds. Hope it all passes quickly...

  4. Congratulations on your 22 years Annie!
    Maybe you both just need a good night's sleep?

  5. Congrats on the 22 years!!! Sounds like there were lots of good things, except for the argument, of course. I do hope you two smooth it over quickly. Life's too short, you know? *hugs* Love the bee balm!

  6. Don't you just love those arguments?? So many times they start over something stupid too. We both stubborn here too -[ and I can carry a grudge with the best of them. he he

  7. Congratulations first of all.
    We are like that sometimes but I get out of hand because my imagination loves to think of plots for revenge. I am getting better at just not going there. As you say, its more peaceful to not. I now simply let us both stew long enough but not too long. Then I say "sorry" so that he says "sorry" and that is that.
    I sure hope you both make up and be happy again.

  8. Awww, A. I hate that for you :-( I hope you two kids get things patched up before too long. I hate to think of a perfectly good week going to waste because y'all are butting heads.
