Friday, June 1, 2012

Fridays Foibles

(I just love that word...)

  Here's some of what I did today...
Jungle Babies...

So you can see the back material...

 Since we don't know if it's a boy or a girl yet, I made it gender neutral.  lol  I also got 2 short baby bottles, a bottle brush, a package of travelling baby wipes, and some baby oil and lavender baby bath soap. Put it all in a big giant gift bag and I am ready for the shower.  lol


  I also baked a big peach pie for the reunion Sunday. It came out like this:

 I am taking all the stuff to make a big relish tray...pickled beets, pickled peppers, dilly green beans and pickled okra.  I am taking a jar each of sweet red pepper jelly and jalapeno jelly, and I will put it on a tray with cream cheese and a couple of boxes of store bought crackers, Ritz or something. And once there, I will buy fried chicken and that will be that.

 I have a list of the last minute stuff to pack that I have to use in the morning, plus stuff like camera, phone and charger, etc. I packed my bag already, I cleaned the bejeezus out of my little car--even cleaned the Roxie slobber off the windows. I have my clothes I will wear tomorrow laid out.  I gassed up the car. I am ready to roll out of here at 9:30 AM, because....

  I am picking up my son at 10, and he and I are making the trip together. Pat can't go, his wife can't go, and I get him all to myself.  We haven't done this in years...taken a trip just the two of us. The last time (I figured this out earlier today) was in 1995, when he came to visit me in California, and we took a trip and went up to Crater Lake in Oregon.

I am so excited about this I can barely stand myself, lol.  He really needs to get away and I really need to spend some time with him. It's gonna be awesome. I got a motel in Mt. Vernon, which is about 20 minutes from Rend Lake, where the gathering is.  We're going to hook up with the cousins and go out to dinner Saturday night...he's going to spend some time fishing Saturday afternoon...and I am going to relax like nobody's watching!! lol

Okay--I have to hit the's late and I am really tired.  Just wanted to stop in and say hey to you all before I leave, since I won't be back til Monday or Sunday night...

  Have a grand weekend, kids!!



  1. Have a great time, Annie! I look forward to your adventures when you return. That pie looks scrumptious!

  2. This is a special special treat for you. Special to take part in the celebration of life, special spending time with your adult son. Once they are grown, sons are usually in short supply.

    Wishing you so much fun.

  3. Have a wonderful time Annie. Enjoy time spent with your son and family!!

    Peach pie, oh my, sounds so good.

  4. I hope that you both have a wonderful time! It sounds like a great trip. I LOVE the backing fabric on the blanket, perfect choice.

  5. It all sounds wonderful--the food, family...and especially the road trip!! See you when you get back!! :):) Enjoy!!

  6. Safe and happy travels, mamacita :-)

  7. Have a great time on your mini vacation.

  8. It was a great niece LOVED the blanket (and she loved that backing too).

    You are so right about that, gets really hard to find time in their schedules sometimes for their old moms...

    Thanks everyone!!
