Sunday, April 8, 2012

April's second Sunday...

 A beautiful Sunday morning...sunny and bright blue skies.  Had some newly made granola for breakfast and the Irishman was off to town for his Sunday morning homegroup meeting.  I, on the other time, have been wasting away the morning sitting here at the computer.

  I do have some things to do, and just when I get close to starting them, I meander off onto another place on the web, and fool around a little longer.  lol

  I was going to post last night and keep my computer off all day...but it didn't happen and I have no discipline, and before you knew it, I was  in here turning everything on and looking forward to checking into things with wild abandon.


  I was a busy beaver yesterday...and I still didn't get all the things on my list done. Of course it didn't help that I had 2 visitors and several phone calls. And I'm basically lazy.  lol  So far this morning I have vacuumed and changed the tablecloth and set the table with new placemats and napkins in big sunflower rings. I have swept the front porch and half of the back deck (the seed pods from the oak trees are making me insane...they are everywhere and they are back on the floors 3 minutes after you sweep or vacuum). I have taken a shower after all that and gotten dressed. I'm going to make 2 batches of granola bars today and give one of them to my son when he comes by tomorrow...I have to make bread.  The granola I made yesterday turned out so good! I gave him a small bag to take home with him and he called later and said "Man--that granola is AWESOME !!!!!   Can I get the recipe when I come on Monday??"  And I thought, well...if I can remember how I made it.  LOL  I'll write it down as best I's a loose recipe anyway, and it's never the same twice. However, this time I made it with part honey and part barley malt syrup and it gave it a wonderful flavor.


  Well, the Irishman came home and immediately left again, to go mushroom hunting with the neighbor. They're just out behind our place, not far, but he had all these plans to do things that he didn't do yesterday, because he took off for a hike with his buddy--Quiver River or somewhere in Missouri, and even with a GPS they got lost. He didn't get home until almost 8 o'clock last night. So, he was gone all day and didn't do any garden work. I doubt much will get done today either. I think he wants to get some of the tree branch teepees made to see how they go--we'll use them for bean poles.

  I keep telling him it's okay to take a day off, but....he's worried we're not going to get things in  on time.  I tell him that Mother Nature has her own time, and that it will all be fine.  lol


  Last night I made a beautiful vegan lasagna.  I used whole wheat noodles and I caramelized onions and sauteed garlic, mushrooms, zucchini, yellow crookneck squash, asparagus and spinach at the last minute to barely wilt it.  I made ricotta with onions and garlic and tofu and agave nectar and salt, pepper and basil.  I used a nice marinara and it was absolutely delightful. You could not tell that there was no cheese in it. I had the parmesan out to put it on my plate if I wanted it, but I really didn't need it. Here's a picture or two...I slid the top noodles back to show the filling...

  It was some good stuff. I made a small 8x8 pan, just in case, and the Irishman said--"..that's not gonna last very long at all"  lol  


  Well, I'd better get off here and get busy. Need to get some bread mixed up and set to rise and then get started on the granola bars.  Not in a hurry to do much, just enjoying this beautiful Sunday.

  Hope your day is especially blessed...however you choose to spend it.



  1. How wonderful! That lasagne looks more than scrumptious. You? Lazy? What does that make the rest of us? Your days are filled with love and joy that simply makes me happy to hear it. And on top of that, all that laughing out loud (LOL) must be a great sound to hear as well! :-)

  2. I've no discipline either, especially when it comes to the computer. Granola and lasagna, tastes so good and good for you!

  3. You? Lazy? Now that is funny! I have never met such an energetic person as yourself.

    I'm glad all is well in your world.

  4. I can smell the lasagne from here. smells good.

  5. That food is so tempting Annie -- lovely to think of you on the verge of spring while we are heading into the cooler weather of autumn here. Your lasagna looks just right for a chilly autumn evening.

  6. I could never get on board with granola but reading your writings about it makes me want to try it again :-)
