Friday, March 9, 2012

Spring is in the air...

...and we just placed our order from Baker Creek for garden seeds.  We sat down this morning and went through our leftovers from last year, planned the beds, and decided what we wanted to order differently for this year.  It was a good thing.  lol  I am getting one more new garden bed this year!!!  WooHoo !!

  The Irishman is now outside with the chainsaw and I am in here...making bagels. And sitting a lot. My stomach has been all queasy all morning, and I don't know why. Yesterday too.  Headache today too, but I took some aspirin, which of course, made the stomach worse.  I don't feel right...maybe I am coming down (slowly) with what my last weeks dinner guests have. I don't know.  But I don't like it. I ate some chickweed. Let's see if that helps...

  SO---making bagels. Just because.  lol  I've been wanting to do them for a bit and decided today's the day. The recipe is fairly straightforward and easy. The ingredients are minimal. So far so good.  They're proofing--and I have the big pot of water going with the malted barley syrup in it. (I think that just makes 'em pretty). lol You boil them for 1 minute on each side and then, drain a bit, and then bake.  And it doesn't take long for them to bake either.  So--we'll know soon enough. SO far, so good.

  Beautiful 50 degree day here today. Sunny and mild. Not as windy as it has been either, which is nice. I'm really trying to get motivated to get some housecleaning done..I need to at least vacuum. I had a friend coming this morning, but I called and told her I didn't feel good, and if (God forbid) I AM coming down with something, I don't want to give it to her.  SO that just gave me a bigger margin for error of not getting any cleaning done. lol

  Okay. Approximately 4 hours later...and I am back on the computer because the electric company finally got the power restored. The bagels were just barely in the oven (looking beautiful). Why did the power go out on a lovely, spring-ish, sunny non-windy day, you ask ?  Well, because my wonderful husband (he is, really) decided to cut down a tree in the front yard and in so doing, managed to take out the power lines. He knocked out power to the entire northwest section of the grid, apparently.  lol

 The bagels could not cook, because my gas oven has that stupid electronic igniter, and if there is no power, there is no oven. You cannot light it manually. So, the first time the thermostat shut down the gas, that was it. I have turned the oven back on to see if they are salvageable. We'll see.  If I have to remake them, it's not that big a  deal. But it won't be today.  It's already 5:30....


  I think we are going to see The Artist tonight. If he gets home in time for us to get some supper first. This is a busy weekend for us...he'll be leaving tomorrow afternoon for Mt Vernon to go to the Area Assembly, which takes place all day Sunday. I'm sitting with my neighbor  tomorrow from 7:30 AM til about 2...then am supposed to go to a bachelorette party for a friend, which sounds like a big ball of crazy, all wrapped up tight. lol  She is sober, and several of us are sober.. but a lot of these women won't be (her family and friends) and the party is starting with dinner and then an evening at a drag show.  Hmmm....I may not make


  Okay--better go have a look at those bagels. They looked a little flat, but not too bad.  We'll see...

  The power is back on, the house is warm, the bagels are baking and life is good.  lol  NO one got hurt in the felling of the tree and I am grateful for this life. And for the 50 dollars worth of heirloom, non-GMO seeds I just ordered.

  Live, Love and Laugh.  That's my motto...



  1. I hope t hear what you think of The Artist, Annie. And if you are coming down with something, I hope you take it easy, REALLY easy. :-)

  2. I hope you are not getting sick Annie! Do take care of yourself!

  3. Hi guys--We LOVED it, DJan...there were only 2 couples in the was like a private showing!! I am taking it easy. It's weird, whatever it is...but I feel okay tonight...

    Thanks, Beth..I am...really. lol I don't know what this was, but I'm much better tonight.

  4. non gmo bagels and drag shows!

    Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    >< } } ( ° >

  5. For sure spring is coming because you ordered your seeds. That's always a sure sign.

  6. Just want you to know I am still here reading. I love your inspires me and calms me with all of its simple pleasures. Good food, gardening, simple day to day life. Thank you for sharing with us.

  7. I don't think I have the patience to like The Artist. Sad isn't it?
    That's funny that he knocked down the power lines. Ah well, ka-ka happens.
    I like the picture here of the earth/garden mother. She reminds me of you Annie.

  8. Bagels! I've never made bagels. Pretty cool. Glad to hear you missed the cold bug, or whatever it is that passed you by. I'm still trying to get over one from a few weeks ago that might or might not have been what put me in the hospital for a few days. Grrr, still mad about that! I feel like such weenie. A movie sounds like fun. Nice to hear you had a good time.

  9. I hope you don't come all the way bed-bound down with something.

    Glad they got the power lines fixed the same day. I hope the bagels turned out edible and you liked the movie.

    Live and let live is a good motto! ;) Happy Sunday!
