Sunday, February 12, 2012

Oh my goodness...

  Got word tonight that another of my friends has lost their adult child to cancer. She fought a valiant battle, upbeat the whole time, right to the end. My friend is inconsolable....and I cannot imagine the scope of that pain--to have to bury your child.  My heart hurts, and I think the world is a little poorer tonight for this loss. She was a kind and talented and compassionate woman.


  It has set my mind to thinking of all the losses endured over the past couple of years, and that includes 3 people in the blogosphere. My friend Mac Walton, and Thailand Chani, and a young woman I didn't know very well who took her own life.  Then there was my friend Ardis, and my other friend Roger, both relatively recently.  Melissa and Matt--both dead of alcoholism.  Diane and Lisa and Maureen and my aunt Teena.  (Just making this list is staggering). Geri and Art and Donna and Curtis and Sally. My uncle and my cousin. It's too much...

  I guess I am at that time of life when this stuff starts happening..I don't like it.


  On a colder note, we are supposedly in line to get about 4 inches of snow tonight. But so far, nothing is happening. That reminds me--I need to go check the chicken coop, as I forgot to ask the Irishman if he had gone out and shut up the chickens...he probably did, but you never know... I can just go to the back door and see if the light is shining out into the yard or not.  BRB.  I'm back--naturally, he forgot and the henhouse was wide open.  It's probably too cold out there for even the coons and possums to be out raiding, but my bigger worry is frost bite. We have had a couple of hens over the past few years get their combs and /or feet frost's NOT a good thing. So I tromped out the back door in my pajamas and robe and coat and scarf and shut them up AND got an egg.  Sigh...


  I've not got a lot to say tonight...I've been kinda jacked up all evening, because the niece and 2 of the women who come sit with MissB have been smoking out in the garage, with the door open to the house, and the whole damned place reeks of cigarettes. Not only the house, but my clothes, my coat and my Pashmina scarf. My throat hurts, I'm coughing and I have a headache. I had to take a shower when I got home, because it's all over my clothes and in my hair. And I am pissed. And I feel like a whiny bitch about it, but I don't care.  She doesn't need to be exposed to that and neither do I. It will be an issue...and I will not work in a smoke filled environment. I won't. I have been exposed to second hand smoke and have health issues because of it. I have never smoked cigarettes.  This is a big deal with me....

    I need to start heading for bed.  This feels like another in a line of too many negative posts, on so many levels, and I'm not interested in doing that.  lol

  So, I'll sleep and come back in the morning. IN the, love and laugh, y'all.  I mean it.



  1. Annie I know how you feel -- spent the weekend with a friend very ill with lupus in the brain, not easy. And when we are around those in recovery I think there is more exposure to death and suicide.

    My friend's husband chain-smoked while I was there and I came back feeling smelly and polluted.

    Hope you have a good week my friend.

  2. Annie, life is not always a bed of roses. Didn't you agrre with Judy who told me people need to face reality not long ago?
    Are you not guaranteed a smoke free work place even in a private home?

  3. Even your "negative" posts are filled with the joy of life, Annie. Life is sometimes hard, it's true, and losing loved ones makes it really difficult to keep going. But even the most tragic losses do fade, given enough time. I realized just this morning that it's been ten years since my son passed from this earth, and I can think of him with love and humor, the pain is like an old scar now.

  4. The negatives are a part of life too. Now what exactly do you do for Miss B if you don't mind me asking? I hope you push the smoking issue...close the door girls!

  5. Thanks everyone...and Mary, that's exactly how it felt--polluted.

    Linda--I know. And it's easier to face in the morning than at midnight when I'm tired and grumpy and sick-feeling. lol There has been no guarantee of anything, and it's only been an issue the past week...

    Djan, I am sorry for your loss of your son. And I know that time heals.'s easy to get all gobsmacked by stuff in the wee hours, when I should be in bed

  6. Second hand smoke is every bit as dangerous as actually smoking. This needs to be addressed with your employer.

    I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. HUGS!!

  7. So sorry about your friend.. Yes, you shouldn't have to put up with smoke. Don't know why they can't be considerate of others and go outside.
